Plant getting way too huge


Active Member
After 2 toppings this bitch is still 5 feet tall, and getting taller than the stands my cfl lamps are on! Aside from buy 6 taller lamps, do yall have any ideas on how to get CFL's up high and all around a big plant?


Well-Known Member
I'd get track lighting, like a bar you'd hang on your ceiling that can hold CFL bulbs, and mount it on your wall going up. Maybe the opposite side of the lights on the stand, so you can turn the plant, get high up light, and lower light.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had this problem.. Help my plants keep getting bigger.. Lol if my plants were pushin the ceiling limit I'd cut a chunk out the ceiling lol


Active Member
5 foot? CFL? Wow, you must have a lot of CFL's to get good coverage on a monster like that. For a plant that side you really could add a HPS and do wonders.


Well-Known Member
5 foot? CFL? Wow, you must have a lot of CFL's to get good coverage on a monster like that. For a plant that side you really could add a HPS and do wonders.
I grew my 4 foot with 1 CFL till it got taller, then just 3. I might have gotten taller if I was able to let if finish flowering.



Well-Known Member
if you have a four foot plant you can probably bend it enough to clear up about 8 to 10 inches so if its bigger you can probably bend at the top and gain a foot maybe without pics its hard to tell