Do you think its a good idea to post pictures of your grow?

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I would like to hear anyones thoughts on posting pictures of grows...I'm talking about the possible legal issues, Who else is prowling around? If the man was so inclined, could they not track you through your ISP? You can ask all the growing questions in the world, but the minute you post a picture, its proof? Or at least if someone was watching(investigating) that picture could now be that proof they were looking for...feelin me here?

Illegal Smile

I wouldn't post a picture of 100 acre farm, but short of that I think they have bigger fish to fry. Also, if they wanted to do it they'd do it and if they had done it we would have heard about it.


Interesting Question...

RIU, or more likely its hosting company would have to cooperate directly with the authorities that are conducting the investigation. They can not get your IP address with out access to things like server logs (except maybe from IRC).

This does bring up some interesting questions, such as does RIU keep server logs? perhaps it should be policy that no server logs are kept for more than 24 hours.

The geographic location of RIU's servers will also be a factor. For example if the servers are hosted in a Russia, U.S authorities have no jurisdiction over servers based in Russia and Vise-versa.
I think communities like this one could benifit a lot from techniques used in the "Warez Scene"

Hope this give's you a better idea of whats possible.



Im not sure of the Canadian governments policies, but I would wager that they are fairly cooperative with US authorities.
It would probably be safer hosted in a European or Asian country (As far away from the US as possible)...


Well-Known Member
i think the only way for this website to be used against you is if your growing fields of the plant and it is slightly possible dea or something cruises the site looking for feilds. besided that it would be rediculous for dea or others to burn federal resources to go and bust the average joe with two plants in his closet. but if you get on the internet and go anywhere to any website and post pics of fields of marijuana you will get busted if they beleive you are in the usa. but besides that for 99 percent of us it isnt a risk. the only real risk you have is if a cop local to your community(in your jurisdiction) goes on here a recognizes your house or something but the chances of that happening is like 1 in a million and you could fight the question of what he was doing on your website. and most likely his answer would be is cuz they were investigating you under different circumstances. so yeah anyone on this website whos been caught for growing marijuana has never been linked to growing through the website but by local cops


have you ever read that unconstitutional heap of tyrranical shit called the patriot act?
No, I cant say I have. I would say you probably haven't either, you've probably read a paraphrased summary on the net.

Unless of course you can make sense of those cryptic documents we call statutes ;)

But if homeland-security is tapping your line, you've got much bigger things to worry about than some cannabis cultivation charges...


i think the only way for this website to be used against you is if your growing fields of the plant and it is slightly possible dea or something cruises the site looking for feilds. besided that it would be rediculous for dea or others to burn federal resources to go and bust the average joe with two plants in his closet. but if you get on the internet and go anywhere to any website and post pics of fields of marijuana you will get busted if they beleive you are in the usa. but besides that for 99 percent of us it isnt a risk. the only real risk you have is if a cop local to your community(in your jurisdiction) goes on here a recognizes your house or something but the chances of that happening is like 1 in a million and you could fight the question of what he was doing on your website. and most likely his answer would be is cuz they were investigating you under different circumstances. so yeah anyone on this website whos been caught for growing marijuana has never been linked to growing through the website but by local cops
besided that it would be rediculous for dea or others to burn federal resources to go and bust the average joe

haha, ridiculous is right

but how many gov employees, that dont burn federal resources or waste time, do you know? Does a bear shit in the woods?

The whole "war on drugs" is a complete waste of tax payer money. :wall: Tax it like everything else, and use the tax money for drug rehab and education programs. Or let people make their own decisions, however you want to look at it.

If you fly under the radar and DONT TELL ANYBODY, I would think you would be fine. But, there are always those other circumstances: a home invasion and you have to put that fucker down, electrical fire while your away and your house burns, the trashman sees all your boxes of trash associated with buying your equipment and decides to be a hero, the meter readers see/smell what they shouldn't, a drunk driver slams their vehicle through the wall of your home or any other reason the police would come to your house.

Didn't the white house recently ask people to rat on others that didn't like the new health care bill? Sounds like some kind of watchlist to me. I wouldn't want to be on any watchlists. Give them a reason to watch you, while you are trying to hide plants. The same plants our country's founding fathers grew.

I posted pics. When I think about it, I go back and forth between being really proud of them and wanting to show them off, to thinking thats not really a smart idea. :finger:


redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Thx for the input everyone...Kronic, you raised some good points about about RIU policy on server logs..Any moderators out there reading this? Love to hear what that policy is? I live in Canada so I wasn't really too concerned about the RCMP kickin down my door, but advertising possible evidence is always on the back of my mind..I know there's lots of hero cops out there lookin for a promotion..fuckin pig bastards...

Polish Guy

Active Member
Site is obviously registered in the United States - through and has a PR rating of 4 (out of 6, thumbs up ROI). Even have a city and state, as well as address. There's a contact number as well.

Where the server data is stored is harder to find but it's do-able. Since the site is rather large, with a considerable active user base - not to mention many posts - it's in the best interest to save or backup the server in case it crashes or has to be updated to a newer version. Whenever the server is backed up, you just have to follow the SQL dump and that'll give you a server location (a little tougher than it sounds, but hey, not that hard).

If you are scared of people coming after you, you shouldn't be too concerned. After all, you may not even really have taken the pictures you posted so there's no real way to verify that. So to pull of an investigation, it'd be like the end of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back where they fly house to house to beat up kids.

That sums it up in a nutshell I think.


Active Member
No, I cant say I have. I would say you probably haven't either, you've probably read a paraphrased summary on the net.

Unless of course you can make sense of those cryptic documents we call statutes ;)

But if homeland-security is tapping your line, you've got much bigger things to worry about than some cannabis cultivation charges...

i've read multiple pages (the ones relevant to me) but not the entire document. it straight says they can do whatever the fuck they want within certain criteria that they dictate and that they can even create from scratch in any situation. nice, huh?

i haven't read any of the second patriot act, been meaning to peruse it.

fuck it hurts to type that name... there's nothing patriotic or even human about the "patriot act."


i've read multiple pages (the ones relevant to me) but not the entire document. it straight says they can do whatever the fuck they want within certain criteria that they dictate and that they can even create from scratch in any situation. nice, huh?

i haven't read any of the second patriot act, been meaning to peruse it.

fuck it hurts to type that name... there's nothing patriotic or even human about the "patriot act."
Yeah, its pretty Orwellian if you asked me.
Crazy how its an acronym aswell..

Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act
anyhow hats off to you for reading it or at least some of it :clap:

just glad I don't live under US law, feel sorry for those who do...