Can you help me out?? Anyone... Please!!

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow by myself. I know my plants are a little beat up, so dont hate on me too bad. The pics arent the greatest but they should be enough to solve the problem here.

DWC Drip w/ ultrasonic fogger
Bout 2-3 weeks old

Gonna try and keep this short and sweet.

I changed the res a couple days ago, added nutes for the first time, plants were showing signs of lockout, or what I believed to be lockout. Dont think it could be nute burn as I was just using regular water until they got a little bigger. Anyway, I added the basic GH tri-fecta, hygrozyme, and a little bit of cal mag. I can give exact ML, PH, PPM if need be.

Basically my problem is that I notice these little copper spots and am unsure what the issue is. The copper spots were appearing before I added the nutes with my two larger plants (this is when they were just getting water, so I dont think its burn). Initially I thought the spots could be from two things. First, I was spraying them with water about every other day. So I was thinking maybe the water magnified the light and burnt the chlorophyl outta the plant. Just a guess. Second, I thought that since it was most prevalent in the larger plants, that perhaps it was calcium or magnesium deficiency, or even some other deficiency.

Anyway, after changing the res and adding the nutes the spots seem to keep coming. Granite its only been like two days since the res change. Im thinking it might be lockout from holding out on the nutes for so long but I hate to make those assumptions as I know there are more experienced growers out there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
You need more CalMag my friend... especially if you are using RO or Distilled H20. Not to worry... your plants are going to be fine. Dose em with the CalMag. If you really want them to love you... Get some Cornucopia Plant Energy.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Cool, that seems like an easy fix.

In regards to the cal mag, how much is too much?

For instance Im running a 16.5 gal res. Cal Mag bottle says 10ml per gallon. I went 1/4 strength and put 2.5ml per gallon which totals to be roughly 40ml for the entire res.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
I change the res every two weeks because its a real pain in the ass.Its one of those things Im gonna have to do something about before the next grow. The res doesnt exactly have a drain so its tough. Like I could pick the res up, 16.5 gal but its heavy as shit and really strains my back and fucks up my golf game. Anyway, I usually siphon out what I can from the res and then I get someone to hold the plants up, the lid, and I pick the res up and dump it then give it a quick wipe. Then I put the lid back on and start to bucket in the solution which is pre mixed in a separate container. If you got any ideas on how to make this easier, Im open for just about anything.

Not real sure where your going with bringing up the res changes?

As far as nutes go, Im sticking with GH nutes for this grow. In my opinion the base ingredients are very similar between most of the different brands. I dont think nutes are the cause of my problems here. I just added the nutes Sat night, and its Mon night now so its been 2-3 days. By the pics you can see that this was developing far before any nutes were added.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Well its been a day since adjusting the cal mag. Figured I'd update the pics hopefully get some more responses. Afterall, I cant be the first one to have had this problem.

Like I said, I can give ppm, ph, temps, whatever need be to get an answer.

The copper spots dont appear to be affecting new growth as of yet. This problem started with the largest, most bottom leaves and sort of worked its way up. What I dont understand is that it only affects the largest leaves which branch directly from the stem. Many of the smaller leaves are not affected.

Its really to early to tell if the cal mag was the answer. Im wondering what to do about the leaves that are significantly damaged. There are enough leaves on the plant to sustain life without the damaged ones and I think it would allow more light to hit some of the lower leaves. Should I cut/prune them? And if so, whats the best way to go about doing so?

Im also wondering if anyone has experienced droop when starting hygrozyme. Ive only been using the stuff for about three days and there is probably twice as many roots coming out of the net pot, it really freaks me out. The watering cycle has been the same throughout the grow and havent experienced any drooping to this point. Im thinking that plants were exerting energy into root development and thus caused the droop. Ya, its a long shot right?

If anyones got any other ideas about what my problem is with the copper spots, please let me know whats up.

Big Thanks to everyone who already responded!!:leaf:


Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium is a component of the chlorophyll molecule and serves as a cofactor in most enzymes.
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency:
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins. Notice how the veins remain somewhat green though as can be seen in figure 15.
Notice how in figure 16 and 17 the leaves curl upwards like they're praying? They're praying for Mg! The tips may also twist.
This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.
Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.

Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Magnesium (Mg) Toxicity:
Magnesium toxicity is rare and not generally exhibited visibly. Extreme high levels will antagonize other ions in the nutrient solution.

I dont take credit for the above, just something I found on google. Looks familiar.

Maybe my plants have mag deficiency???
Upped the cal mag to recomended dose so I should be alright now if it is indeed mag def, right?

Can anyone confirm???:leaf:


New Member
Get yourself some epsom salts dude, or 1 of these products ive sent you to have a read and look at ok, keep yourself safe.
Trichoderma Powder Tri 003

Life long protection for plants

Developed by Canna of Holland. Apply just once to recently rooted cuttings to form a protective layer of 'friendly' fungi around the roots of your plants. These beneficial organisms colonise and grow with the roots providing life long protection against more dangerous pathogens such as pythium which could otherwise take hold. Popular with commercial growers as 'cheap insurance'. Treats 300 plants.

Guardian Angel

Ideal for hot weather root problems

Sometimes residual bacteria can lurk in pumps, reservoirs, growing beds, troughs, etc and become a problem for growers - especially in the summer. When circulated around your system Guardian Angel helps to protect against bacterial and fungus infections that can cause root rot (pythium). Suitable to use throughout all stages of growth, Guardian Angel is safe, non-toxic and incapable of entering y


New Member
This is also good gear.

Liquid Silicon

Silicon Safety

Liquid Silicon is a soluble form of silica that's added to nutrient solutions to help protect plants against pests and diseases. It strengthens the plants' cell walls, improves nutrient uptake, prevents toxic build-up of nutrients in plant tissue, reduces water loss through transpiration, increases uptake of available CO2 and increases chlorophyll production leading to darker green leaves - all of which contributes to increased yields.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member

Im gonna have to get some of that stuff, but its expensive and well Im cheap and not a huge fan of ordering nutes online. Im thinking the guardian angel. I do have epsom salts but thought that cal mag basically has the same effect.

What do you think the problem is?


New Member
Ive had the same prob now and then, all i do is flush down when my soil pots are nice and dry, (not to dry) when they perk up i start with my nuits but a very small amount, you'd be amazed just how little a plant needs to get by, and get by happy, think what you would be like if you just kept getting food put down your throat, yipp you would be sick and ill, same thing with them, feed them when they are hungry, try and read your plants and try and get them into a routine, like feeding them the same amount every 4 days, when they get bigger just up the amount by a very small amount same with the nuits, go up like 2 ml per week, your always looking for a nice green pert leaf, when you get that they are more than happy, if you get a very small bit of tip burn your right on the edge of the limit.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Ya, thats pretty solid advice.

Its been awhile since Ive grown, and even then there were more people involved, too many people. Anyway, I guess you could call this my first grow. I only used 1/4 strength GH tri pack up to this point. Also added cal mag and hygrozyme at full dose, 10ml per gal. Nutes were only added couple days ago. I was having the copper spots before the nutes and assumed it was deficiency so thats what convinced me it was time for nutes.

I dont know if you seen the pics in that post about a week ago, I know you replied but I think the pics came after. Whatever, point being its the same plant.


New Member
Ya, thats pretty solid advice.

Its been awhile since Ive grown, and even then there were more people involved, too many people. Anyway, I guess you could call this my first grow. I only used 1/4 strength GH tri pack up to this point. Also added cal mag and hygrozyme at full dose, 10ml per gal. Nutes were only added couple days ago. I was having the copper spots before the nutes and assumed it was deficiency so thats what convinced me it was time for nutes.

I dont know if you seen the pics in that post about a week ago, I know you replied but I think the pics came after. Whatever, point being its the same plant.
it will sort out dude these things always do, to many people are way to quick to keep flinging food at them when all they want is a rest and let the roots etc get a chance to breathe, weeds are very very hardy plants but a sure way to kill them is overfeeding, its their No-1 danger.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Will the cal mag make up for epsom salt? Or should i still add some?

That problem page I referenced with the mag deficiency recommends a tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon to resolve the mag def. Im running 16.5 gal res, thats a good bit of epsom salt. What do you think?


New Member
Will the cal mag make up for epsom salt? Or should i still add some?

That problem page I referenced with the mag deficiency recommends a tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon to resolve the mag def. Im running 16.5 gal res, thats a good bit of epsom salt. What do you think?
yeh tablespoon per gallon, 4.5 ltr me thinks.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Cool Cool Im on it.

In the process of adding the epsom salts now. 16.5 Tablespoons, 16 tablespoons and 1 1/2 teaspoons, however you wanna word it. Sure seems like overkill with the recent addition of the cal mag.

I'll keep updating the pics until Im comfortable things will be ok. Thanks again for the advice, appreciate it.