Roll It Up Isalnd!


Well-Known Member
OH yeah! You read the book and didn't know there was a movie! *Wikid's memory only extends to what's on the current page of the thread* lol


Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge reader.. but i read a little bit. But i've never understand why people read a book twice. Why? Why read it twice ? lol
I've read most of the books I own more than once. That's why I can't borrow books, I have to own them, so I can go back and read them again.

Because some books are just THAT FUCKING GOOD.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone mentioned monkey butlers or maybe just monkeys smoking cigars and or wearing people clothes on the island?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone mentioned monkey butlers or maybe just monkeys smoking cigars and or wearing people clothes on the island?
Wow, that is the best idea yet. I am in total agreement that that idea should be one the top of our priorities on the island.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
im gonna be the first person on the fdd..and ill turn you all in for weed....cause im a snitch...then i will have the island to myself:fire:
I thought they got rid of the fake fdd!? . . . . looks like he is still going strong to me:-P


Well-Known Member
i would have to bring,my top 5 lovely woman.,.,a quarter acre of the finest ishen,my space bo0ts(which i have on rite now).,.,and some nice seeds from here so i wont miss the collie i love so.,.,do rey me a fa so la tay do


New Member
a gun to take alll the goods and become the new power structure. not really but you know someone would. :fire: i would shoot fake FDD for sure though ;)

peace out