Help with my ebbflow using general hydro flora nutes.

I have clones in my ebbflow system and they are 2.5 weeks old in the system. I have the ppm at 340 and I did that 2 days ago and my plants are having new growth grow yellow and have not turned greener. I am using General Hydro Flora nutes. Can I add some more of the Flora grow to my res maybe to give it more nitrogen? or should I wait a couple more days and see what happens.??? Thanks:?:
My clones are 6-8 inches tall? am I not feeding them enough? THanks

And if you use GH nutes.what PPm or milliters of each should I go with at this stage??? HELPPP


340PPM is kinda low for a plant like that in my opinion. I have some 4-6 inch clones and I'm hitting them with 1000-1500PPM with GH and their fine. I had the same problem with some plants that I was using Advanced Nutrients on and slammed it with some extra N. I used Flora Micro though because it's 5-0-1 verus FloraGro is 2-1-6. Hope that helps. bongsmilie
I have read to up 100 a week..I wonder change out the tank and put it around 600ppm..if that would help..I just dont want to burn them. Thanks


Try going by the feeding chart widow84 posted a link to or go to GH's website and check out their feeding charts and pick one that best suits your needs. Seeing that your PPM was under 350 for the 2 weeks I wouldn't even bother flushing it. I would give it 1000-1500PPM. If I feed it too much I'd back it off a little, but that's rarely the case. On GH's chart in week 3 is 1000-1400PPM. I've hit plants with a little over 3000PPM with no problems. You have to react how the plant reacts to what your doing to it. bongsmilie
check that table I send you

also I go in mine at 1000ppm withno problems

So when u put the clones in the system, YOU follow the chart and start the ppm at 440? and then 1000 after that??

I will change out my nutes and move it up to 1000 and see what happens. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
So when u put the clones in the system, YOU follow the chart and start the ppm at 440? and then 1000 after that??

I will change out my nutes and move it up to 1000 and see what happens. Thanks!!
When clones go into the system it is important that you allow them to spread roots first. Let them idle for a week or so at 300ish first. Once you see roots coming out of the bottom of the pots, push the PPM up to 500 - 600 PPM.

Once they take off and begin growing fast, you can notch it up a bit more, I put mine up to about 700 - 800.

As a first timer you dont want to push them too hard or you could accidently kill them. It is best to err on the side of caution. Once you have a few crops under your belt, you can start to push them a bit.
When clones go into the system it is important that you allow them to spread roots first. Let them idle for a week or so at 300ish first. Once you see roots coming out of the bottom of the pots, push the PPM up to 500 - 600 PPM.

Once they take off and begin growing fast, you can notch it up a bit more, I put mine up to about 700 - 800.

As a first timer you dont want to push them too hard or you could accidently kill them. It is best to err on the side of caution. Once you have a few crops under your belt, you can start to push them a bit.

I am come they can do it at 1000 and if I did it, it might kill mine?
I just put new water with nutes in and I did it at 1010 like the chart said. But I just put more water in it to bring it down to 900. I am so confused..I dont know what to do. HELPP


New Member
Nuting can be trial and error as sometimes it is strain dependant but the chart that Widow84 sent is the way to go. Leave it where you have it and see what happens. Patience is the key here. The plants will tell you what they like and don't like. What is the ppm of your base water. Do you use tap or RO?
Nuting can be trial and error as sometimes it is strain dependant but the chart that Widow84 sent is the way to go. Leave it where you have it and see what happens. Patience is the key here. The plants will tell you what they like and don't like. What is the ppm of your base water. Do you use tap or RO?
My PPM of the base water is meter reads 970 that would be 900 ppm.


Basically you have to react to how the plant is responding to what your doing to it. If that makes sense? I keep my new clones under 300PPM. Then I'll bump em up to 800-1400. Then even up to 2400-3000. Thing is, if I see them stressing and curling up funky then I'll back off. I've come comfortable with the strains a got, so I know how hard I can push em. I don't really watch my PPM as much as my PH. I just try to keep it within a 200PPM range of my target PPM. The charts give you a baseline where to start and see how they work for you. Soon you'll be adding more of this at certain times and playing with additives like Carboload KoolBoom Big Bud. etc. Also, if your meter is reading 970PPM that is what your PPM is. subtracting the base water from the TDS is just giving you an idea of the solution concentration. But the plant is still receiving 970 PPM. Your waters clean like mine so that doesn't matter so much. I even came across someone that slams his as hard as he can then he flushes for 2 days and does it all over again.
So I should keep it at 900 for like a week and then move up to around 1000 u think? I also read where people have to ADD Mag. and calcium to the nute solution. Do you have to do that? I have some Magi-cal nutrients I can add if I need too. Thanks


New Member
Don't need to worry about 100 ppm here or there. Just watch how they like it and if they thrive give them a little more next res change.

I add Magi-cal or Cal-mag ( hichever bottle I have around - it's pretty much the same from the plants view). I add it due to my high ppm tap water. If your tap water is under say 150ppm I wouldn't add it unless the plant shows that it needs it but if you do add it, do a half dose and wait a couple of days to see any effects on the plant..
Don't need to worry about 100 ppm here or there. Just watch how they like it and if they thrive give them a little more next res change.

I add Magi-cal or Cal-mag ( hichever bottle I have around - it's pretty much the same from the plants view). I add it due to my high ppm tap water. If your tap water is under say 150ppm I wouldn't add it unless the plant shows that it needs it but if you do add it, do a half dose and wait a couple of days to see any effects on the plant..

Well I have had my PPM at 900 for the past 3 1/2 days and I have not really noticed a big difference yet. I have notices my plants have not really gotton any more yellow and maybe greened alittle bit. But I have not noticed a BIG difference at all. I wonder what I should do??:?:


New Member
We're in the stage of finding out what your particular strain likes. For instance, my LSD liked a high PPM but it was way too strong for my Blue cheese. I'd suggest pumping it up 100 ppm per res change. That way you do it slow enough not to nute lock or cause other problems. Things don't get fixed overnight in nature either. Slow and steady wins this race. Think turtle! LOL!
We're in the stage of finding out what your particular strain likes. For instance, my LSD liked a high PPM but it was way too strong for my Blue cheese. I'd suggest pumping it up 100 ppm per res change. That way you do it slow enough not to nute lock or cause other problems. Things don't get fixed overnight in nature either. Slow and steady wins this race. Think turtle! LOL!
LOL..ok..thanks crazy..will do!!!

LOL..ok..thanks crazy..will do!!!
Well it has been 6.5 days since I moved the ppm to 900. I still do not see very much change at all. Do you still recommend moving it up by 100ppm a week still? So when I change the res tomorrow..I will be at 1000 and this will be at week 4 I think of veg from clone. I will take a pic and add it tonight when I get off work.