Lighting question


Ok Ganja nerds... Here's one for ya... I've got a small-time setup with a veg closet packed full of lots of cfl and 2(150wHPS) in layers... (mucho sexy) and a 10X10 flowering room with two air-cooled lights. (600wHPS & 1000wHPS)
I am doing a S.O.G.(ish) soil thing.
My query is whether I should start the plants that come out of the veg closet under the 600w and move them under the 1000w after a month or start them under the 1000w and move them under the 600w to finish up?
Personally...(and i'm definitely not an expert) I would think that they should get the most lumens (1000w) possible in the first 4-6weeks of flowering to get large and then ripen up with the lesser (600w) light for the final month.
What you got to say about that?


Well-Known Member
Ok Ganja nerds... Here's one for ya... I've got a small-time setup with a veg closet packed full of lots of cfl and 2(150wHPS) in layers... (mucho sexy) and a 10X10 flowering room with two air-cooled lights. (600wHPS & 1000wHPS)
I am doing a S.O.G.(ish) soil thing.
My query is whether I should start the plants that come out of the veg closet under the 600w and move them under the 1000w after a month or start them under the 1000w and move them under the 600w to finish up?
Personally...(and i'm definitely not an expert) I would think that they should get the most lumens (1000w) possible in the first 4-6weeks of flowering to get large and then ripen up with the lesser (600w) light for the final month.
What you got to say about that?
I typically go from regular fluorescent to high output fluorescent to 1000w HPS for flowering. Everybody has a different formula for lighting that they will swear works the best. I don't think that moving them to a lower amount of light for late flowering sound like a good idea. I'm sure it will work but personally I would finish up with the 1000w hps. Experiment and see what works best and report back. Best of luck my friend and welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
My thought would be to start them under 600w to start their flowers and switch to the 1000w to really fattin the buds up.

Who you callin a nerd??

Brick Top

New Member
Either purchase a metal halide conversion bulb for either or both HID lights and use it/them strictly for vegging and then switch to the HPS for flowering or purchase a dual-arc MH/HPS bulb for either or both.

Either way you will then be giving your plants the light spectrum needed for vegging and also for flowering.


My thought would be to start them under 600w to start their flowers and switch to the 1000w to really fattin the buds up.

Who you callin a nerd??
Yeah that's a good thought. In the last 2-3 weeks of flowering, during peak resin-production time would it be better to have them under the 1000 or would it really matter.? I know more lumens = bigger buds but does more lumens = frostier buds?


Well-Known Member
Not sure, but the first 2-3 weeks they are preparing to bud and under 600w they will really stretch and grow tall. Then when they start to flower and you see bud growing, thats when i would throw them under the 1000w.