Illinois Outdoor Pics


My plants look very similar about 6ft indicas. What type of yield are you thinking you will get from yours?


Well-Known Member
No idea, this is only my second time. Last time I had two similar plants but harvested them too early and never really got a total tally, almost 2 lbs. I'm worried about how wet it is going to be in sept. I keep hearing it will rain all month.


We have had a lot of rain already. This is my first grow by myself. I have 12 females. I had to stake some of them up. I don't know why the stems couldn't hold them up.


My plants are tall but not too many branches. Do you think they will fill out being that it is almost 12 and 12 outside.

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
My plants are tall but not too many branches. Do you think they will fill out being that it is almost 12 and 12 outside.
Yea man those plants all look nice in this thread keep up the good work guys... I am pretty sure it will start branching out shortly... Peace


Well-Known Member
Could be that cornfield screwing you again as the sides don't get the same light as the tops.
yea that very well could be or it could be just the strain....but they will fill out more during flowering for sure as far as branching out more most likely not...