SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
i didnt think there were that many different mediums for areoponics. the reason its called air-o-ponics. lie he said what ever you started it in just transfer them in it


Well-Known Member
hey loud and SoG i found this stuff were gonna try it on the flood and drain setup we have. its general hydroponics axamax from the brochoure and what our guy at the garden shop says its bad ass. its like giving your plants a shot of penicilin or something giving them in return a really good immune system when any bug trys and eat on your plants they die. download the pdf.file and check it out it looks great. __ Diesease Control&type=product

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
hey guys good after noon. i just checked to see how much waste water my ro machine makes and i flipped out. they told me 4 to 1 where i bought it from but they were way off. i made 5 gals of ro and filled up a 55gal drum of waste that fckn crazy or what


Well-Known Member
hey loud and SoG i found this stuff were gonna try it on the flood and drain setup we have.
nice product, keep us posted with results

they told me 4 to 1 where i bought it from but they were way off. i made 5 gals of ro and filled up a 55gal drum of waste that fckn crazy or what

yea, makes no sense
the ratio is not 1-11 its normally 1-3
maybe you got the wrong filters in there



Well-Known Member
anyone arround?

through together a dwc system last night
for the girls to veg in until i get things ready
was thinking since i need to brake the rock wool cube around them and FIM them
id let them go through the shock while vegging, less shock time in flowering

i filled up the dwc with 9 gallons of RO water
each nute was added directly to the res separately in this order
flowing Botanicare's guidelines for week 1 veg
RO's starting point was @160 ppm
Cal-Mag Plus 45mm, ppm went up to 280
Pure Bled pro Veg 90mm, ppm went up to 640
Liquid Karma 90mm, ppm went up to 840
i then added Roots Excelurator 3mm
balanced the res from 4.1 pH to 5.8

here's whats going on so far
my pH is drifting up slowly
its climbing up to 5.9 and 6 is around the corner
i looked at the roots, some look white some are getting dark brown (the GC roots)
any insights anyone?



Well-Known Member
i thought the roots excel helped with root rot i actually thought loud said it prevented it they shouldnt be getting dark brown though should they think it could be the nute soultion staining them or something

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
hey brother im still new to inside hydro so i really dont know but my ro water is 0 ppm and when it gets to 10 ppm i replace it. now thats just what i was told to do. i have always grown out side till now


Well-Known Member
anyone arround?

through together a dwc system last night
for the girls to veg in until i get things ready
was thinking since i need to brake the rock wool cube around them and FIM them
id let them go through the shock while vegging, less shock time in flowering

i filled up the dwc with 9 gallons of RO water
each nute was added directly to the res separately in this order
flowing Botanicare's guidelines for week 1 veg
RO's starting point was @160 ppm
Cal-Mag Plus 45mm, ppm went up to 280
Pure Bled pro Veg 90mm, ppm went up to 640
Liquid Karma 90mm, ppm went up to 840
i then added Roots Excelurator 3mm
balanced the res from 4.1 pH to 5.8

here's whats going on so far
my pH is drifting up slowly
its climbing up to 5.9 and 6 is around the corner
i looked at the roots, some look white some are getting dark brown (the GC roots)
any insights anyone?

well their saying its the nutes browning the roots?idk.

about the ph, what are your ppm's doing?
i sent you the EC/PPM cheat sheet, does it apply in this situation?... in other words, maybe your nutes are just slighty high for the plants liking at the moment?

also, the ph of my nute mix always goes up kinda fast for the first hour after mixing them, then it slows way way down, but still goes up over time.
i know a lot of people have the same problem, although it's never really caused any real "problems" for me personally.


Well-Known Member
about the ph, what are your ppm's doing?
i sent you the EC/PPM cheat sheet, does it apply in this situation?
ppm's went slightly down from 840 to 810
pH is up to 6 now, the drift is sort of every couple hours at this point
i looked at the cheat sheet, i didn't want to jump into conclusions yet
but i also don't want to hurt the girls

dont add the root excellator until AFTER you pH your nute soup solution
too late for that :-(



Well-Known Member
if your ppm dropped, i would say yer not over feeding and the ph raise is just from unstable water/nute solution. just my guess tho.


Well-Known Member
from now on....

dont pH your nute soup.

let your RO mix with your nute soup and let it mix.

give it a couple hours....normally my nute soup mixes with the RO water overnight and the pH almost settles around 5.6-5.8