Super cropping


Active Member
what's super cropping? (plz i know its prob posted somewhere in these threads harmless question...)
Super Cropping is when you bend the plant at the Node i think, to create another spot for it to grow so you would have 2 top colla's . I think, can someone correct me on this?

either way it gives you a much larger crop


Well-Known Member
that's topping bro. super cropping is when you bend the branches until thy snap then the plant pushes extra hard to heal the spot you broke there for makes bigger buds!! best to do it in veg. were you break it it will heal with a big not.


Active Member
that's topping bro. super cropping is when you bend the branches until thy snap then the plant pushes extra hard to heal the spot you broke there for makes bigger buds!! best to do it in veg. were you break it it will heal with a big not.
ya thats what i meant :) have you heard of anyone using dry ice as a source of CO2?


Active Member
that's topping bro. super cropping is when you bend the branches until thy snap then the plant pushes extra hard to heal the spot you broke there for makes bigger buds!! best to do it in veg. were you break it it will heal with a big not.
Nah man your describing Crimping. And tkjoe was describing bending/tying, not topping.
Topping is when you cut the main cola between the top two nodes, the plant responds by creating two colas. These two can also be topped to create four.
Bending/tying is when you bend the cola(s) to a 90-180 degree angel. This creates a change in the hormone-flow and the plant responds by growing new cola's (half-way down the original cola) that grow towards the light. After about a week, you cut the strings and let the old colas join the new colas in the canopy.
Crimping is an advance technique consisting of breaking the inner part of the plant without damaging the outside, resulting in greater growth (I personally don't know too much about this one)
And don't forget about the FIM technique!

Super-Cropping is simply the act of using one or more of these techniques in order to obtain a much bigger crop. For example, topping your plant twice, and then tying the four colas down for a week could result in eight main colas (as opposed to what would be one)
Hope this helps!


Active Member
Nah man your describing Crimping. And tkjoe was describing bending/tying, not topping.
Topping is when you cut the main cola between the top two nodes, the plant responds by creating two colas. These two can also be topped to create four.
Bending/tying is when you bend the cola(s) to a 90-180 degree angel. This creates a change in the hormone-flow and the plant responds by growing new cola's (half-way down the original cola) that grow towards the light. After about a week, you cut the strings and let the old colas join the new colas in the canopy.
Crimping is an advance technique consisting of breaking the inner part of the plant without damaging the outside, resulting in greater growth (I personally don't know too much about this one)
And don't forget about the FIM technique!

Super-Cropping is simply the act of using one or more of these techniques in order to obtain a much bigger crop. For example, topping your plant twice, and then tying the four colas down for a week could result in eight main colas (as opposed to what would be one)
Hope this helps!
That was a great explanation. thank you so much!

what do you think about using dry ice in a cup as a source of Co2


Active Member
That was a great explanation. thank you so much!

what do you think about using dry ice in a cup as a source of Co2
Anytime! I have heard that dry ice makes giant buds, but I've also read that these big buds can be less potent. I personally do not have any experience, but I really don't see why it wouldn't work. Just be sure to do all the calculations before you put them in your grow-room to be sure your not gonna F-up the plants. Actually to play it safe, if I was dealing with dry-ice I would definitely get a CO2 meter, you might as well to take the guessing out.

If you want a cheaper way to produce CO2, take some 12oz. water bottles and cut a hole in the cap, the hole should be about the size of a pencil (width). Fill the bottles half-way with warm water. Add about 1/5 part sugar and 1/5 part Activated Yeast. Shake those bad-boys up (but watch-out they might fizz up like the old volcano in middle-school haha) Place the bottles near your plants. Shake the bottles up every day. The yeast microorganisms use the sugar as fuel, and create CO2 as a waste product.
If you want a cheaper way to produce CO2, take some 12oz. water bottles and cut a hole in the cap, the hole should be about the size of a pencil (width). Fill the bottles half-way with warm water. Add about 1/5 part sugar and 1/5 part Activated Yeast. Shake those bad-boys up (but watch-out they might fizz up like the old volcano in middle-school haha) Place the bottles near your plants. Shake the bottles up every day. The yeast microorganisms use the sugar as fuel, and create CO2 as a waste product.
You would pick up activated yeast at homedepot? Online? Grocery store? I've been debating if adding CO2 would make that big of an impact


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of crimping before but SuperCropping is not just using one of the techniques.
Super Cropping Technique
Another method of topping is called 'Super Cropping'. By taking a branch between your forefinger and thumb you can gently crush the branch, causing it to develop multiple branches above the crushed area. You must crush it on the correct side or risk breaking the branch. Just squeeze lightly until you feel the branch give, then let go. If it gives easily then you have crushed it on the correct side. If it is hard to crush and the branch splits then you have chosen the wrong side. Practice makes perfect with Super Cropping.
A lot of us either tie or weigh down the branch that we've SuperCropped to prevent it from just recovering straight back up. You want that thing at 90 degrees or more.

Also, don't do it right after watering. Stems will be swollen with water and it's easy to snap the branch right off.

Super-Cropping is simply the act of using one or more of these techniques in order to obtain a much bigger crop. For example, topping your plant twice, and then tying the four colas down for a week could result in eight main colas (as opposed to what would be one)
Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
early in veg... if u do it late make sure u give it 2 weeks b4 flowering to let ur shoots grow vertical.. if u klick my signature ull see excellent examples of super-cropping in various stages of growth... thats what ya wanna create... i have also included "genfrancos" super cropping thread in my first post with pics.. ur manipulating ur plant to grow hoizontal so it opens ur plant up to allow more light to the lower nugs, grow vertical and a even canopy... the shoots at ur nodes become tops rather then nugs at the base of ur stalks


Active Member
I've never heard of crimping before but SuperCropping is not just using one of the techniques.
Super Cropping Technique
Another method of topping is called 'Super Cropping'. By taking a branch between your forefinger and thumb you can gently crush the branch, causing it to develop multiple branches above the crushed area. You must crush it on the correct side or risk breaking the branch. Just squeeze lightly until you feel the branch give, then let go. If it gives easily then you have crushed it on the correct side. If it is hard to crush and the branch splits then you have chosen the wrong side. Practice makes perfect with Super Cropping.
A lot of us either tie or weigh down the branch that we've SuperCropped to prevent it from just recovering straight back up. You want that thing at 90 degrees or more.

Also, don't do it right after watering. Stems will be swollen with water and it's easy to snap the branch right off.

should a person wait until they have a second or 3rd node before pinching?