Help with ordering Soil and Nutes


Im about to order some Nutes and Soil for my 2nd grow my 1st grow i did it with MG and now i just hate MG so ill never use it agian im new to all these Nutes and soil and i have no idea what to buy could anyone help me with what 2 order?


Well-Known Member
Im about to order some Nutes and Soil for my 2nd grow my 1st grow i did it with MG and now i just hate MG so ill never use it agian im new to all these Nutes and soil and i have no idea what to buy could anyone help me with what 2 order?
i woul go with fox farm`s ocean forest for the soil. and as far as the nutes go, in my personal opinion i would get advanced nutrients sensi grow A&B for veg, and advanced nutrients sensi bloom A&B and bigbud for flowering.


Well-Known Member
you are going to order soil?? that will cost a bundle to ship.. any self respecting home/garden store will have Fox Farms soil...!!


you are going to order soil?? that will cost a bundle to ship.. any self respecting home/garden store will have Fox Farms soil...!!
o, ill check with some local 1's pretty small town all we really have is a lowes mabey some out of town will have it


Well-Known Member
lowes will defently not carry fox farms soil. Just make your own, its easy, and better.... sometimes.


Well-Known Member
lowes will defently not carry fox farms soil. Just make your own, its easy, and better.... sometimes.
or you can do what i do sometimes. when ordering from websites that hook you up with free shipping whenever you order so much, just throw the ocean forest in too. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Just go to the Where To Buy section on the FoxFarms site, that's how I found a store that sells it.

I'm using all FoxFarm and just follow the feeding schedule which they also have on their site.

My current grow in flower is the first time for using their solubles.


Well-Known Member
That is unless you really live in Zimbabwai, if so, your screwed. :)

You don't have to live in Zimbabwai, you could live just 3 hours away, and you will get screwed throught the wallet. The money for gas to drive there. I have never seen a website even with free shipping that gave free shipping for bags of soil.