buy a pair of "Fast weight" digi scales on ebay, the best $9 shipped i have spent. dont be afraid, pull that shit out when she hands you the bag, she wont skimp you anymore
I have a scale but I was always told having one with you while carrying weed usually adds on a with intent to distribute charge so I leave it at home. Perhaps someone could shed some light on that for me.
one of my mid-grade dealer guys tried to screw me out of an 8th last night(I bought a half oz). I ALWYAS keep my scale on me when going to get weed. I know its properly calibrated and nobody can fuck me over.
As said before I don't feel comfortable riding with a scale but thinking back on it it really doesn't matter if I get searched I'm probably going to jail anyway. I'll probably bring mine for now on, thanks.
So you're ok with getting jacked because she's your "only dank connect"? That's...beneficial for her I guess.
I don't ever have to weigh my shit with my guy cuz he's my friend and his shit is always on point unless he's hookin it UP, but if it ever WAS off --- I'd call him before I even touched that shit.
I like to get what I pay for
Maybe it's just because we live in different areas but ''getting jacked'' usually means getting taken for everything you got around here. I was a fool and let my trust in others take advantage of myself, but as I said every other time I got weed from her it was fine. And of course I'm not ok with it but personally two grams is not worth making a situation wher I can get none at all. We all handle our situations differently but since she's a girl not a dude my options are limited. I believe in Karma tho so she will get here. I like your avatar, nice.
My last quarter was off by a gram...
So I got a hold of my dealer and told him. He then came to me and dropped off 1.5 and smoked me a bowl... Now thats service!
Yea that is some service, it's nice that some dealers are still following the golden rule.
you sure the prices didn't go up? sometimes suppliers push up their prices just cuz they can... or did you agree on a different weight before you were given the bag?
No, I was told I was getting a quarter for $105.
obviously he didnt agree on 5 grams for a quarter or else he wouldnt be complaining about it
I was in my own house for a little and started a grow. Then my mom was diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness and I moved back down to where she lived to help her. I grew with my cousin for a little bit but then I was reminded of the reasons I never wanted to grow with a partner. Hopefully when my mom does't need as much care I can start to look for a house again. You're right tho either way.
105 a Q? Thats a strange price structure. Sounds like she is also making 5 bucks off you lol. Do you also smoke with her for getting it for you? Sounds like your getting the short end of the stick. oh and 20 times 5 is 100 so... 5.3 grams for 105 is 20 a gram (plus the five for her smokes) so are you sure you are asking for a quarter or just giving het the hundo and she gets what she can for the money you gave her? At 20 a gram its 140 a quarter oh and are you fucking nuts??? Thats way to much to through away. Ever concider growing?
I had thoughts about her just taking the five but I'll never really know. And yes when she invites me in her house I smoke her out and leave her a nug to toke up later I don't just take my sacks and dip. And I understand what you're saying about 20 a gram and five grams equals my hundred but as I said I was told I was getting a quarter like all other times and for most people when you buy more you don't get charged by the gram. In regards to growing see above response.
While were on the topic. It seems like nobody smokes the person that gets them the bag out anymore. Why is that? Back in my day it was an unwritten agreement that if someone copped you a bag you were to either smoke with them or give them a little to walk with.
I'm not going to praise anyone for a sack of regs but when it's dank like she gets me yes I absolutley do. As I said I smoke her out and leave bud to smoke herself after I leave. Plus if they have to drive and get it I will give them gas money, I'm very grateful to those that help me out.
grow, grow, grow your own...
lol I know, wish, and will again one day.
yea forget all the compaining i would call her out on next time and if she argues start bringing a scale if it were regs id say let it go but since your shelling out a buck which is a days worth of work for most people i wouldnt stand for it.
I hear you.
Wow u guys pay wayyyyyy tooooooooooo much 4 bud i live in nc and some fire ass reggie cost the most 75 an oz
Who the hell is Reggie and what does he got to do with me being skimped. jk but we're not talking about regs right now.