stop taking drug tests!


Well-Known Member
PROTONIX is a prescription medicine with THC in it. it is used for acid reflex. two of my friends on probation smoke daily. the PO cant do shit. if test comes back positive blame protonix and go home a free man. just tell ur doctor some bull shit story and get prescribed. i just thought i should let everyone know.
There are confimatory tests that can tell the difference between an initial false positive for THC and the use of protonix.

So I wonder if they can tell if you're using protonix AND smoking marijuana
So get a perscription for Protonix and you can avoid getting busted via drug test?

Sounds sort of like a school yard rumor
i once mixed up some superthrive seaweed extract and a number of other things to germ some old seeds. i had the mix in a drinking glass was not paying attention thought oh im thirsty and took down a good bit of the mix. well i can say that neither are very toxic but taste not so good.
i dont think you have to take it. i think the synthetic protonix THC shows up the same as the organic treefer THC. I'm pretty sure they only test for THC not other cannabinoidds. I'm not too sure. I'll look it all up tomorrow.

it doesnt get you baked.

the med info sheet that comes with it says some thing like it has THC and alters tests. I'll try to look at my friends if he still has it.
When I looked into it I read that after the initial false positive the sample can be sent away and tested, and they can tell the difference between a Protonix false positive and a positive THC result.

Protonix doesn't actually contain THC, it contains panoprazole, which can cause a false positive for THC.

So I'm guessing the way it happens is you tell them you're taking Protonix, and then they test to find it in your system. If they don't find Protonix, but they find THC, they know you're just a pot head (or at least that the positive test had nothing to do with Protonix)
They sent it off for a real test. He spent thanksgiving in jail. I wouldnt recomend doing this if your PO is an asshole.