Yes, there is a Purple Haze, here is some pure purple Haze pics.Over the year I have heard that purple haze is the best, or a premium strain. While researching I found several "purple" varites for sale. But is there really a "purple haze" strain? If not what is a good purple strain to grow?
Hi Trapper,their are a number of pure hazes that turn purple,as well as few other colors,sam the skunkman claimed it was not uncommon for haze to be purple.i dont think he said it was any of the better hazes,but if you want to grow a haze for 16 weeks you may like it.and you may get a purple one.
maybe where some of you are purple is yesterday. but out here in the bay purple is everything. its pretty much what everone is asking for. if it aint purple then they dont want it.....purple is so yesterday go white or black to be current....
Thanks Shep, glad you like..HHF, beautiful pics!
i thought sams hazes are from the haze brothers who worked the strain in the first place.Hi Trapper,
Sam actually says the Haze was the strongest, and his favourite. These hazes above are not from Sams stocks, they are from a earlier time and purple is there, as are red, blacks, green and golds. These often take more than 16 weeks, but it is worth it.
Here is a few more pics.
Peace, HHF
Hi Trapper, yes, that is correct. Sam's are.i thought sams hazes are from the haze brothers who worked the strain in the first place.
Hi Trapper,so is not haze given to a line of plants created by the haze brothers,any other line would be sativas of the same nature,but not haze from the haze line.also i know sam said haze was the best,i was referring to purple haze not being better then the non purple hazes.i guess im not sure what constitutes a haze,those made by the haze brothers,or did the haze brothers start working with plants called haze then refined it,i have no search engine so im not sure.
Yes, bang on trapper! those are our forefathers friend and as you say from the 60's on and well before that too. So i find it a bit of a insult to them and to us to here these claims of Cannabis breeding starting in 76. Just not so..i dont know any more,i think that the linage of cannabis can never be accurate,it really comes down to cannabis from the original breeding grounds thrown into a stew and it is what it is,when you read strain gudes 3 pages long you can only guess what is what.And every one contradicts the other,it really is a cut throat uncle was breeding and growing in communes from peru to tefino on the island in the 60,s.they traded pot for food and gas and maybe a tractor or truck.they farried genetics all along the west coast,they mixed and matched everything,i bet a lot of that stuff is the staple of a lot of genetics not saying they knew what they were doing,they culled the weak that was it,nature did the rest.But his stories can make a book,if only he could remember.
beautiful purple there ..heres a purple wreck gettin ready to ripen currently and turn purp.and my favorite dutch passion bluemoonshine..i jus ordered dj shorts bluemoonshine and his grape krush.thier 130. a pac but worth evry penny.i dont jus gro it i farm it,lol,gd luk.ya but they didnt breed really
,it was just what ever finished and was potent stayed and so did the seeds,but those hippies had a network from the tip of south america to tefino on vancouver island.ya my uncle has as much to do with pot on north america as most,their whole life was structured around pot,it was what kept them with supplies,i mean they grew veggies and beans untill it was coming out their ears,but pot was their love.ive said it before on here if any one ever smoked a pure botsawana,african sativa they would swear they were on mushrooms.that can never be duplicated,never.but i know those seeds were tried in bc and im sure their is genetics relateing to it today,but were and in what.
yea his tuff is the sickest and most beautiful.HHF, thats XKUSH #1 looks fricken deadly![]()