I would disagree. The university would have explained the Viet Nam war in great detail. Exposing the lies and travesties of the Johnson and Nixon white house . It is the right that is commiting travesties across the globe, Neo-Conism is a direct feed from the right. I beg to differ with your contention that Neo-conism is from the left. Perle, Ashcroft, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, Gonzales are all repukes along with 99% of the assholes that started this war bullshit, You cant blame the left for this crap. And talk about distortion, this whole regime is based on lies. I think you've had one too many tokes, or not enough. Your vision is so clouded with your hatred of the left that you refuse to see TRUTH. Just because a woman decides to have an abortion does not damn her to eternal hell, that is left for hypocrites that preach Jesus in a crowd, and Jerk off in a closet.
i don't hate the left, not one bit. the leftist politicians are disgusting but the leftist sheeple aren't the same thing.
btw, i have a good friend who had an abortion as a teenager... i don't think she's going to hell! nor do i jack off in a closet.
sure, i realize that the profs love to smear any republican president... while they would probably leave out the fact that throughout our history wars have been initiated by leftist leaders and ended by the right. the left was a completely different animal when you were a kid. JFK would no doubt leave the Democrat party today.. "ask not what your country can do for you", etc... lol, they've come a long way!
you say that the neo-con ideology is right wing. you've been talking university a lot lately so let's go back to political science 101.
the left is about equality and broad social responsibility, highly centralized government instead of smaller, localized governments.
the right is about liberty and the individual responsibility that comes with it, small government and very limited central government.
clearly, the neo-cons have sought to establish a very powerful, very large central government. by feeding huge corporations on tax incentives, various subsidies and laws that prop them up they have grown a money tree that we all get to feed and water but get nothing in return. their government built "private companies" grease the skids and let them fund elections.
the left hasn't been very innovative in the last couple decades. they've had to resort to passing legislation that benefits the bottom feeders; the trial lawyers, the racists menstral shows like Sharpton and Jackson, the environmentalist groups. to pay their bills they have basically been renting the federal government out just as Clinton quite literally did with the Lincoln bedroom.
both groups (neo-con and progressives/socialists) fully backed NAFTA. both groups fully back Israel and all the instability that whole thing creates. both groups have been on a rampage to grow the government. both groups are involved in every globalist organization. both groups are involved in the plans for the NASH. both groups are organizing a transition to the Amero. both groups are committed to the UN. both groups have an elitist upper echelon that frequently meets and collaborates together. both groups think they are smarter than everyone else.
i don't know what else to tell you. the neo-cons and the progressive dems/socialists are the same thing.