What's the deal with legal bud?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it's made of other herbs or not, I think it might be regular buds with the thc taken out, don't take my word on that though, just hearsay. But it just gives you a headache when you smoke it.


Well-Known Member
I would possibly smoke it if it tasted good... but the bud I orderd tasted terible!!!... I wasnt expecting to get high... which I didn't but I was expecting it to look taste and smell like bud... but it didnt... I still have it around here somwear...
they told me it was marijuana without the THC when I called... but it was like tea and fuzz... and stems.


New Member
:-| You didn't!!! :lol::roll:
I would possibly smoke it if it tasted good... but the bud I orderd tasted terible!!!... I wasnt expecting to get high... which I didn't but I was expecting it to look taste and smell like bud... but it didnt... I still have it around here somwear...
they told me it was marijuana without the THC when I called... but it was like tea and fuzz... and stems.


Well-Known Member
I did it...
I hahaha... I gave half of it to my friend... and he got arrested with it... I told him he didn't have to worry... and I guees he didn't...


Well-Known Member
wtf is legal bud and what does it do?
To me legal bud is some herbs that dont get you high. I believe they make it so you can rip off unsuspecting victims into thinking they are buying a oz of premium shit. In actuality they are buying bunk herbs clumped together. Seen con artists use this to dupe noob smokers. "The game is to be sold not to be told" lol.:mrgreen:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
WOW, ya know I can hate on you as well, but I wont....Have a sense of humor, you are in a stoner forum trick!!