First Grow EVER. (CFL)


Well-Known Member
ugh.. camera is dead. ill be a hour for pics, but it will be worth it. The plants are like.... "woaaaaaaaaahhh alieeeeeeeeeeeenssssss, I wanna touch it!"


Well-Known Member
hey boom join the bill club when they get sexy enough haha

jus kidding l;ol my high ass snapped this for my long time buddie hehe:o



Well-Known Member
YAH OK BILL CLUB. Send me a 100 ok? LOL. *looks in his wallet* looks like the dollar club - hehehe jk jk


Well-Known Member
Its my girlfriends camera, and she thinks i ruin it when i touch it. SO she has to take the pictures (which she did) NOW i just need her to let me DL them on the computer. I bought the damn thing for her too... (WOMAN GOD DAMMIT) Hopefully it will be soon. STAY WITH ME ALMOST THERE.


Well-Known Member
OK SOME PICTURES. I have the HPS setup on a chain system where i can raise/lower by each link, and man it came out good, of coarse you cant really see that part. I can raise lower about 1/2inch each link, so it works out GREAT. The HPS is sitting about 10inches away. I tried about 8 but i got scared. Tomorrow the milar comes so ill try to get more pics when that comes. I'm thinking of just going into flower because i don't want to keep 2 plants in a pot, suggestions? Transplant now and wait till my month mark to go to flower? (that will add 4 more pots) BUT i also cant have these things get to 4ft or ima have to rig my light up some way, so go to flower find sexes ? ;) Leave me your thoughts.

- Boom



Well-Known Member
looking great so far :) IMO i would flower them soon but be prepared for some stretch, I let mine veg exactly 4 weeks and they are almost 4ft tall now Lol. You don't need to transplant, those pots should be big enough to last the rest of their life. as for the 2 plants in 1 pot, just let them grow and chop males as you find them.



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I should of been more specific, when i said transplant, i ment the ones that are 2 in a pot. Im only worried if i chop a male, will the roots rot and cause the other plant to gain root rot? Im not sure about that. I was gunna try to remove most of the roots of the male plants to be on the safe side ;) I think im going to flower soon... I think im going to start asap, on the 3week mark, im almost close to a month so....


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I should of been more specific, when i said transplant, i ment the ones that are 2 in a pot. Im only worried if i chop a male, will the roots rot and cause the other plant to gain root rot? Im not sure about that. I was gunna try to remove most of the roots of the male plants to be on the safe side ;) I think im going to flower soon... I think im going to start asap, on the 3week mark, im almost close to a month so....
yea man go ahead and get dem babys flowering hahahah:weed::clap:


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure i have at least ONE, but i still cant tell. Im planning on 6. I want all, but yah ok ;) TY for the luck ;) Here goes nothin


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I should of been more specific, when i said transplant, i ment the ones that are 2 in a pot. Im only worried if i chop a male, will the roots rot and cause the other plant to gain root rot? Im not sure about that. I was gunna try to remove most of the roots of the male plants to be on the safe side ;) I think im going to flower soon... I think im going to start asap, on the 3week mark, im almost close to a month so....
3 weeks is a perfect time to start 12/12. just let the 2 plants grow in the same pot, the roots won't rot if you end up chopping one. they will go through alot of stress if you try to untangle the roots though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input. Thats what i will do then. (it was my plan from the begging). CROSS YOUR FINGERS. Ill keep updating. no doubt


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure i have at least ONE, but i still cant tell. Im planning on 6. I want all, but yah ok ;) TY for the luck ;) Here goes nothin
there's definately more than 1 female in there, they might not be the ones you expect though. The biggest healthiest plants almost always turn out male. Make sure to rotate your pots daily so all the plants get even lighting.


Well-Known Member
man first full day of 12/12. Ima check these bitches every few hours, LOL. I have 11 total plants. Im expecting 5 females, prepared/want 8, and ill shit myself if i get more then 6 :)~ Wanna take a guess at how many females i get? heheh and you cant say 11 because if i got 11, well that would just be some fucking mircal/DREAM. I think my room can take 8 at the MAX , 6 comfy. Its 3x5 on the floor, and has a slanted celling that starts at about 4ft, and moves to 7ft. If my plants get to 4ft ima have to do some light rigging / LST, which might be an option if i have a low turn out. Super cropping is an option but i doubt ill try that on my first grow. My next grow is going to be some headi nug, and def going to have feminzed seeds, fuck this guessing game!!! This grow was complete luck, all my seeds geminated (just threw them in a pot outside) on their own. All of them are healthy, one isnt doing good because its in a pot with another and its just huge so the CFLs couldnt give it enough light, so hope this HPS will help her.(its showing good signs already) One has made a pheonominal come back from nute burn that almost killed it, and is thriving under the HPS. The rest love life. ALSO They lovee the nutes ( fox farm ) and combined with the HPS its just great. Today my milar came, i put it up (What a bitch of a time i had) It came out ok, it'll work. Now its time to give extra TLC because thats all i can do , and the more TLC, the more THC !!!!!!!! hhehhheheheheheheheh Ill keep updating daily/or every other untill they all sex, then ill post 1once a week w/ pics on there progress.