When to feed seedlings?


Active Member
Naw man, you can feed them as soon as the leaves pop out- it will actually help them out, just use less than 50% concentrations


Active Member
Id say wait atleast 2 weeks-- depending on the soil, you may not need to feed right away anyways. If your soil has fertilizers, don't feed for a while, if it doesn't, then waiting 2-3 weeks is good. Always start with 1/4 strength and work your way up slowly. Every other time you water you should feed in my opinion-- however thats up to you.

Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
With coco you'll be adding nutes soon, with something like FF Ocean Forest you can wait a couple of weeks.


Active Member
Al contrar....you're plants will have no problem if you're using 1/2 strength nutes specifically designed for seedlings such as Clonex or Rhizotone by Canna- both produce wonderful results with seedlings.