Check out what I found


Well-Known Member
Check this link out

Tells you where cannabis grows wild in the US. Click on a state on the map to see data for each state that shows the counties where cannabis is found growing wild.

To the OP, there's probably very little you can do to increase the THC content of those plants you found.

To everyone saying wild cannabis can't grow in patches... HUH??!! Says who? Any weed can grow in patches, if the seeds fall in patches. All it takes is a couple bird poops in the same area, folks.

Anyway, nice find even if you won't be able to get high off of it. Finding wild cannabis is always sort of magical.


just click the names to see the map

thats a nice find tim! any new pics??

too bad is so. cal. i cant find any wild mary jane..all i find is mmj clinics....every 15 miles....i love this country....:mrgreen:
I just took some pics and posted them yesterday, ill post some more in about a week or so. Dont be a jack ass and rub it in our faces man! :finger: hahahaha
not tryn to be an ass, just pointing out the advantages of living in the midwest (wild weed) and living on the west coast (retail weed). just wait a half decade and we'll all have both, and maybe more.:clap:


not tryn to be an ass, just pointing out the advantages of living in the midwest (wild weed) and living on the west coast (retail weed). just wait a half decade and we'll all have both, and maybe more.:clap:
I know but your damn lucky, I here its easy as hell to get good bud out there cause everyone has a license for it. My buddy actually just had some cali medical shit, it was fuckin dank! Maybe I wont even have to wait that long since Minnesota is one of the states considering medical marijuana. Props to you buddy, smoke up!bongsmilie


Does anyone know the flowering time ranges for minnesota? and what step of the ff I should be on? I have open sesame, beastie bloomz and cha ching. Just want to be sure about that.


Does anyone know the flowering time ranges for minnesota? and what step of the ff I should be on? I have open sesame, beastie bloomz and cha ching. Just want to be sure about that.
Anyone? I need some help guys! oh and has anyone ever seen purple and white hairs on their buds? thats what im starting to see on the plants i found also there getting crystals on the buds and the leaves:weed: