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The thing with all of this is that when you start dealing with small time scales like 10^-44 s, say 10^-44s after the big bang, space-time gets really fuzzy. Particles no longer have locality in space. Time starts to lose meaning. So it starts to become a stupid question to ask anything about 'before' and 'after'. So we can't really ask what came 'before' the universe.But no one can know where a higher power came from either... It kinda sucks investigating these things because when you get answers you will end up with more questions. If they were to prove that we started from the big bang, our next investigation would be what came before the big bang (it is theorized that it came from membranes that collided and caused the big bang~M Theory). If they proved it started with a god, our next investigation would be where god came from. Tiresome business.
As for branes (not to be confused with loop quantum gravity), they still exist in space-time, or 'the bulk' (at least mathematically. Who knows if they really 'exist'?). In other words they are subject to the flow of time. For example, D-branes can't exceed the speed of light. This shows that these branes are subject to laws of physics that break down at small time scales. It also needs to be pointed out that these are two different models of the univerese.
All this talk is really bullshit until we solve this whole quantum gravity thing. That is what I am trying to say. There are so many models out there for the 'beginning' of the universe. And big bang cosmology differs dramatically from oscillating brane cosmology in their formulations.
My point is that you can't really ask what came 'before' God or the big bang, at least not yet. Like I said, we need to figure out quantum gravity. And even then it may not make sense to ask that question, but at least we'd have a better understanding of why we can't ask that question.
This is starting to get into why it would kick so much ass if we had a theory that was independent of space-time.
Here is a technical paper on what I am talking about:
It has some good stuff that isn't too technical in the first 2 pages. If you have questions, I may be able to help.