how much area will a 600 watt hps cover?? how many plants would be good to go in a 4x4x7 area under this light? the plants will be in 2 gallon containers.
Hey man, I run hempy and I do it under 600 watters. 4x4 is really your max for flowering if you want good bud and lots of it. you can veg with a 600 over a 6x6 area pretty ok, especially since you are growing small plants. Get square buckets; they fit together more compactly.why should i increase my container size? i was going to grow in hempy buckets in 2 gallon contaciners., i was thinking of vegging until they were about 6-8 inches then induce flowering. i was hoping to fit 12 in that area is that possible? i want to do four rows of three and do four different strains. i was going to go with white widow(seedsman), skunk 1(sensi seeds), ppp(nirvanna) burmese kush(th seeds), is this a bad idea? i want variety in my garden and yeild im hoping to get 2-3 ounces a plant is that possible?
Ok how many square buckets should i go with? How much do you yield in hempy?
how much area will a 600 watt hps cover?? how many plants would be good to go in a 4x4x7 area under this light? the plants will be in 2 gallon containers.
Unless you are going to grow dwarf strains 2-gallon pots are to small. I never grow in anything smaller than 5-gallon pots and normally use 7-gallon pots.