First Grow Starting Ghetto...


Well-Known Member
Day 47:
Well Fuck I Just realized I did miss, my FIM was not deep enough, so not only did it not take but it didn't top them either! Oh well. Next time I'll err on the side of too short. At this point they are growing fast and at alternating nodes, so I don't think I'll mess with them now.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Lookin good
i just smoked a bit of you kno who im so fried its undescribalbe very body and trippy hi....
I started another grow also. No seeds in this bud I tried.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah especially when we both r growin killer strains from attitude i cant wait to get me some, lucky fucker.


Well-Known Member
Hey girl! They are looking great! Are the 3 going into flowering or already there? Sorry if I missed sumtin.. tired as hell. LoL Great job tho! They look nice and bushy!


Well-Known Member
Hey girl! They are looking great! Are the 3 going into flowering or already there? Sorry if I missed sumtin.. tired as hell. LoL Great job tho! They look nice and bushy!
Thanks! Nah you didn't miss anything. lol They will be going into flower just as soon as my HPS lights show up, which should be tomorrow or the next day (they were finally shipped - yay!). I was waiting on HTG, and hoping they weren't gonna take another week or more, considering how tall these girls (I hope!) are getting!
Day 7:
Sixth baby sprouted, checked other pods, I believe the rest of the seeds are no good - many were cracked before planting. Got the Flouros, put 'em under about an inch away hoping to stop the stretching and get more roots. Tied them gently to toothpicks with yarn. Overhead fan circulating the air well.
Reading RIU obsessivly. Notes to self:

Humidity 60%
Temp 60 - 90 (77-81)
PH 6 - 7

Nute Balance
Grow: 20-5-5
Flow: 5-15-15

PH Adjust
Baking Soda = +ph
Vinegar = -ph
Not sure in what PPM - (this is only for emergency)

Fertilizer PPM
At a month:
150 first 10 days
500 next 2-3 weeks
800 remainder of veg
1000 beginning of flower
Bump up to 1300 slowly
Flush 2 weeks before harvest! (when 1/4 hairs red)

Props to the posters of this info, I'm sorry but in my original notes I didn't write who posted what-so a big thank you to all of RIU!

My Questions/Answers I Found: Why are they stretching? Is the sun not a good thing for these guys? (They will keep reaching for the light, need to get 'em under some flouros at the very least).
Alrite buddy just thought id say, you mentioned using vinegar to bring youre pH down. I have never done this but have heared that it makes youre buds taste pickled! I dont actually know if it does but definetley dont wanna risk it! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Alrite buddy just thought id say, you mentioned using vinegar to bring youre pH down. I have never done this but have heared that it makes youre buds taste pickled! I dont actually know if it does but definetley dont wanna risk it! :peace:
Pickled!:oYeah not really wanting pickled buds!lol Haven't actually done it, as I haven't had any problems with my PH levels yet - but thanks for the tip!


Well-Known Member
Day 58:
So excited, my HPS lights finally came! Couple days ago my smallest plant showed female pre flowers, so at least I know batch one has at least one girl - yay! Yesterday hung two 400w lights, one HPS and one MH. Also removed all fluorescents and CFL's, for 24 hour dark period. Began 12/12 this evening. Thinking I did a good job with my air circulation, as the two new lights have only raised the room temp by 4 degrees. Going to have to find somthing to put the eight babies on, to bring them up closer to the light. Also added two new 20A lines to my electric, just for my plants.



Well-Known Member
Day 62:
Fourth day of flowering...A last look at my twin...boys...before they die. :cry: They showed their sex today. So thats two males and one female for this grow. I'll take pics of my scraggly little girl tomorrow - too sad (and stoned) to do it tonight.:-(



Well-Known Member
Hey oh no...
So is that 2 out of 4 on your first gro that are male?
Im sooo soo sorry that sucks.