Absolute noob bagseed grow


Active Member
So... I had a ton of bag seeds laying around and said why not.... I didnt set a budget, plan anything out, etc etc.... zero preparation...

as time goes by, im hoping I will learn more n more.... and I am all ears to ANY advice you guys wanna give...

If this becomes unsucessful, I wont be too sad, I have a broken hand and am just bored sitting around at home... so yea...

anyways... Its bag seed.... placed in paper towel method.... all of them sprouted... I planted 3 in party cups and let them sprout by a window sill for 2 days... and then the other 6 were planted this morning (they were placed in towel 1 day later, why I dont know... I was bored so I throw some more in there)

the remaining 6 were placed under lights ... no window sill (because I finally got some lights together, I didnt earlier)


so here is DAY 3 onwards.... Only used some filtered tap water... and regular top soil.... nothing else... frankly, I dont know what nutes or where to buy them... O well...

I placed them in a drawer in my desk... no fan or anything... 1) 23w (100w) florescent bulb 1) 20w florescent tube light... is this adequate?... if not, Ill try to find an extra lamp

the last picture shows the amount of clearance once the drawer is closed as much as it can...and my ceiling fan is on... thats all the air circulation I have.

so far iv been giving it 24hrs light day 2 onwards.



Active Member
day 4

Here is some update... single storey rubbermaid bin ... tryed to do the best I could... still need to figure the best and efficient way to install the fan

for now... im just pointing it in there... and I will have 6 bulbs in there today... (only 4 in the pic)

any suggestions from the experts?



Well-Known Member
not to mention anything else, but those lights need to be at most 1-2 inches from those seedlings...


Active Member
your seedlings looked streched, ide burry them up to about 3/4"inch below where the leaves are. get the those lights closer and they wont strech, CFL's arnt very hot get them 2" away


poke hole in the lid for some string to fit through and suspend the plug strips from the string and cut a big hole for the fan


Active Member
I just measured, they are 7 to 8 inches away from the light... will it be that big of a problem?... I could try taking apart everything and lower the strips a few inches down.... is it worth the hassle of removing everything, making new holes... and having the plants go through it?


Active Member
I just measured, they are 7 to 8 inches away from the light... will it be that big of a problem?... I could try taking apart everything and lower the strips a few inches down.... is it worth the hassle of removing everything, making new holes... and having the plants go through it?

Put something underneath them! A book, a box, something..... They need to be about 2 inches away, 1 inch minimum. As they grow you take the props out. Much less hassle!


Well-Known Member
I just measured, they are 7 to 8 inches away from the light... will it be that big of a problem?...
YES! do what you have to do to get them as close as possible. or you will more problems to worry about down the line.


Active Member
Put something underneath them! A book, a box, something..... They need to be about 2 inches away, 1 inch minimum. As they grow you take the props out. Much less hassle!

OMG.. I wish I read this earlier... I already started hacking away the zip ties... and

im gonna put everything back the way it is... and prop them up with books!


Well-Known Member
they still look too far away, unless its just a funny angle... look at the width of your thumb. the lights should be that close to the plants.


Active Member
they still look too far away, unless its just a funny angle... look at the width of your thumb. the lights should be that close to the plants.

wait... width of thumb?... thats what... 2-3cm long...

I just measured the distance .. its 3inches away.


Active Member
Hey... I have had them at 2" distance for the past 12-14 hrs... and I have covered the plants a bit more with soil .. .

but now... I am noticing the leaves pointing up this morning... is this from too much heat because they are close to the lights?...

Im using 6 26w CFLs in a 22gal rubber maid... I have the fan pointing the way it is in the picture...

the soil is also dry... but I watered it yesterday... water it again?


Active Member
I am going to buy a thermometer today... whats a good brand thats also cheap?... bang for the buck type of stuff... should I get something for humidity as well?


Active Member
Hey... I have had them at 2" distance for the past 12-14 hrs... and I have covered the plants a bit more with soil .. .

but now... I am noticing the leaves pointing up this morning... is this from too much heat because they are close to the lights?...

Im using 6 26w CFLs in a 22gal rubber maid... I have the fan pointing the way it is in the picture...

the soil is also dry... but I watered it yesterday... water it again?
The leaves are pointing up cause they want more light and trying to get closer. You can keep them up to a inch away from those lights.

I am going to buy a thermometer today... whats a good brand thats also cheap?... bang for the buck type of stuff... should I get something for humidity as well?
Anyone will do..as long as it tells you the temp:-o . Ones that shows you the max and min is nice to have. You'll have to create a air inlet and exhaust in there soonish so that they can have better ventilation.


Active Member
The leaves are pointing up cause they want more light and trying to get closer. You can keep them up to a inch away from those lights.

Anyone will do..as long as it tells you the temp:-o . Ones that shows you the max and min is nice to have. You'll have to create a air inlet and exhaust in there soonish so that they can have better ventilation.

that sounds plausible but kinda odd... because the first 3 plans had window sill lighting for a day... then 1 or 2 days under inadequate lighting (2 bulbs, softwhite)
and even then , the leaves weren't pointing up...

only until I introduced plenty of light and moved them to 2 inches away did they start pointing up.

Should I just get a thermometer alone, and not worry about a hygrometer?

anyways, I gonna have new pics in the next post.

tell me what you think