Skipping Curring


Well-Known Member
You might be familiar with this thread.

What my friend did was pulled the plants from his DWC and place them in a DWC bath of Clearex and kept them in the dark for nearly a week.

As I reported, trichomes look amazing under a 30X microscope. Then plants were harvested by cutting off all of the leaves that didn't have resin on them and hung to dry for about 2 weeks.

The buds, which were quite dry were placed in jars for curring. BUT, upon burping the jars he noticed no lawn mulch smell, just dank smelling buds that smell as if they were cured for a month. He is going to check again tomorrow to see what happens but it appears that the aforementioned procedure might eliminate the need for curring.


Bravo!! :) This is exciting! You could be lowering the time by 1/2 that it takes to smoke your new dank !!Keep us posted :)


Well-Known Member
Some buds ripen quicker than others. I wouldn't reccomend applying this method to every grow, as you may end up with egg on your face. Curing is a tried and tested method over many years, if a new method were out there, it would have surfaced before now.


i agree, nothing but a glass jar will make your buds taste good, clearex is something made by nute industries to get you, dont buy it

Brick Top

New Member
What my friend did was pulled the plants from his DWC and place them in a DWC bath of Clearex and kept them in the dark for nearly a week.

As I reported, trichomes look amazing under a 30X microscope. Then plants were harvested by cutting off all of the leaves that didn't have resin on them and hung to dry for about 2 weeks.

The buds, which were quite dry were placed in jars for curring. BUT, upon burping the jars he noticed no lawn mulch smell, just dank smelling buds that smell as if they were cured for a month. He is going to check again tomorrow to see what happens but it appears that the aforementioned procedure might eliminate the need for curring.

I have posted the information numerous times here about how it has been proven that a 72-hour period of darkness before harvest can increase the levels of THC as much as 30% in some strains. Most refuse to believe it.
As for curing time, if herb is properly dried a cure of between one and two weeks is all that is needed. Only when improperly dried is a longer cure needed or actually beneficial. Again I have posted that information many, MANY times but many refuse to believe it too.


im unsure about the darkness thing but i know sometimes different types of weed need longer cure times, ive noticed if i have some denser indica strains, they tend to take a bit longer to manicure than others