Please, I'm not looking for opinions on this one. I have read enough of opinion based comments on the web. What I need is someone who KNOWS or has EXPERIENCED on what I'm asking. I have read that white plastic tents set off a gas which is harmful to plants. So I am looking at this supposed NON-TOXIC tent. I actually purchased a tent a few days ago, but was lucky enough to catch them before it was shipped. The company didn't give me a hassle, though theire website claimed the tent was NON-TOXIC, and they completely refunded my money:hello
though they claimed there would be a 20% restocking fee on their website, they DID NOT charge me the restocking fee.) They apologized and said they would be doing a test themselves on the product. Whether they do or not is not my business. But I found another tent for $40. Same dimension, just that the interior is made with 100% reflective material(looks like Mylar) that is suppose to be NON-TOXIC. The tent is made by GrowLush. I will post a link of this tent right here------------------> CLICK ON ME!
Please I need facts, not confusion. Thanks for all those who are willing to help me.

Please I need facts, not confusion. Thanks for all those who are willing to help me.