i need somone hel


hi im new here and i need alittle help.....
i been doin little work on my plant since i finally found time after 3 weeks shitty work to take care of them. 2 died now i only got one that is about 8 inchs tall. its in top soil n was just taken inside to day because its getting cold n looks like some leaves got eat? or burned? its only had 6 leafs n 2 are eaten or burned i been looking at it nicely makin sure its ok. n its getting sun light from one of the windows.
my qestions are....

1 so do need to change my soil to something eles because i dont think its growing very fast its only 8 inchs at 3 weeks old.

is the light im giving it enough?

what kindia cheap light system can i get?

are these led's good to get? http://www.thelashop.com/catalog/225-High-Power-Red-Blue-LED-Plant-Grow-Light-Panel-p-395.html

plz i really need the help thx alot n i will get pics when i can
first ?i have what kinda light do you have it under? where did you get your soil and what brand is it? how big is your pot? and its only 8" did you have it outside cause why is it getting cold???
LEDs are a ripoff at this point, they might have some promise for the future, but for now stick with a good CFL if you're on the cheap or get an HPS light and do it right.

You should get some good soil as well.
i have it under no real light its only the basment light n the sun light from the sun in the morning. it was getting cold because it was out side and i had to brang it in or hahaha...dead my soil is TOP SOIL from home depot its like yard works? or somthing. my pot is the size of a french cream dip thing
wow hold up lol i jsut looked at the plant again and its in a 5 by 8 butter tube 5 inchs tall 6 inchs across there is only 2 inchs of top soil in it and the plan is all the way to the side
:joint:well mine went from the size you say yours are to 1.5 to 2.5 feet in the first 3-4 weeks outside. and you should have it in a larger more permanent home something the light cant get through to the roots, also your probably way to late for where you are on lat id say go indoor or wait till next year and do alot of research b4 attempting again.:joint::weed:
:joint:well mine went from the size you say yours are to 1.5 to 2.5 feet in the first 3-4 weeks outside. and you should have it in a larger more permanent home something the light cant get through to the roots, also your probably way to late for where you are on lat id say go indoor or wait till next year and do alot of research b4 attempting again.:joint::weed:

i took it inside thats what im trying to find out. what are some keep lights n are them leds i have a link to ok or should i not even bother with them? the light cant get to the roots its ok but yes i need a better pot but i need a more perment light source to
a minimum of 1 cfl that is at least 56 watts will do for now if it seems to be hurting later on get another.

ok thx do u think i should put a better soil in then the top soil? it seems to be ok but idk why it seems to have stopped growing
that shouldnt matter at the beginning from my experience soil is soil at the start but later on when there alot bigger they will hurt from bad choices mine are a little stunted from not buying the best myself but they are still growing pretty good, im not complaining lol. so i would say just get a half decent cfl at least 56 watts worth, and keep the soil lightly moisted in between waterings.
cfls are very cool they dont even really run warm lol as long as its listed as a cool light, warm are on the red spectrum and run a little warmer but still nothing to worry. put 4-6" away if that makes you feel better.
cfls are very cool they dont even really run warm lol as long as its listed as a cool light, warm are on the red spectrum and run a little warmer but still nothing to worry. put 4-6" away if that makes you feel better.

ok whats the best size pot u think i tohught put it in? because i know the pot itsi n isnt the best for it
how big do you want to finish at 3-4 feet you could probably get away with a 3 gallon pot, anything bigger than that use a 5 gallon for sure also make sure you use perlite to keep air in you soil, and vermiculite to add moisture if you dont wanna water as often both use at about a 10% mix with soil in the 3 gallon, and about 20 % in a 5 gallon.