canefan grow diary



Today has been a busy day and I have not spent the time on the new seedling and clones that I should have spent. I have spent the day pulling weeds in my geraniums and moving them into the greenhouse getting ready for Sept and Oct downpours. Here we are getting ready to start the peak of the rainy season with 20 inch avg for Sept and 35 inches in Oct. I have negelected these flowers this year so it is time to play catch up.
Ok, on with the the update. The clones are doing very well. The clones off of Mary and Jane they will be the first 4 pictures today, have finally really started to veg. They are just now putting on true leaves again, yesterday and today are the first. I will remind you and myself that these were taken in flower. They have a large number of branches growing out, just like cutting a tree and seeing all the saplings sprout out of the trunk. Mary and Jane clones are probably only going to get one more week of veg before they go out to the greenhouse to flower. I just need the room under the lights for the more favorable plants.
Linda, Runt clones are more favorable to what I am looking for in my program. They also seem much more hardy to this climate which is my prime concern. They are growing nicely right now a bit of a stretch which I was looking to do on these to give me a couple of nice tops to clone and then to have my side branches come out nice and wide. You have to love how you can get the sativa's side branches to get so long, lol, just my opinion and personal like.
El Monstre is indica dominate at least. I don't know much about the indicas growth (haven't heard the genetics from sannie on this strain), this is one of my few grows with indica. Afghani is about all I have grown in that family. Any way, El Monstre after a somewhat slow start at day 24 out of the ground I think you will see it has really done nicely. LOL sorry I was blazed and forgot my ruler when I went out to take the photos today, so I put down my spray bottle to give her some scale.
Hope you enjoyed the catch up on the journal and enjoy the pics although not many of them today.
All comments good, bad or indifferent are appreciated, even




Hola on this beautiful day in the sun is actually out and shining brightly today. Today was clone day, I took 3 cuttings from Runt who is in full flower now. I took 3 branches from the bottom inside that were totally blocked from the light and were stretching badly. El Monstre gave up its first two clones today, 25 days from popping out of the soil. This strain is doing great and is a rapid grower. I will post some more pictures later in the day of what is going on and new ones of Runt which is capturing my imagination.:weed:

grow space

Well-Known Member
Looking good man.
It was a clone day to me too, and yesterday was a clone day, and couple of days before that, and so.......
I wish u the best of luck with your plants and new clones.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the update " I was blazed and forgot my ruler when I went out to take the photos today"

I would have probably forgot the camera as well lol

The clones look great. The soil looks kinda rough - not much drainage - but your plants love it. Don't change a thing. Good luck with the rainy season Cane


I enjoyed the update " I was blazed and forgot my ruler when I went out to take the photos today"

I would have probably forgot the camera as well lol

The clones look great. The soil looks kinda rough - not much drainage - but your plants love it. Don't change a thing. Good luck with the rainy season Cane
Green I only remembered the camera because it was in my pants The soil on the El Monstre is a bit rough but that is only a top dressing, it comes from the dregs of the compost pile. So it is basically runoff from the rain and collects in one spot. I am kind of inbetween batches of compost so I had to use every little bit I could scrap together. Thanks for the encouraging words.:weed:
Grow Space welcome to my journal. I thank you for your words and have been watching your journal with great interest. A lot of times I just don't say much after reading because so many have added their two cents and didn't want to be a clinger just to say hi but I will in the future. Your girl is looking so good, I can't wait to start my white widow outside. I am hoping that the wife is here with them for the next full moon. Good Luck on your clones, until this year I never bothered with them much. I started in 2007 with my first ones and I must say it has become I have been experimenting with different stages and where I take them from on the plant. :weed:


I am open for thoughts and suggestions on Runt. Her pistils seem to be getting more red almost to the maroon side. Forgive the photos they just don't show the true amount of color they have. When I put her in the ground I thought I knew what she was, rereading the journal and trying ot figure it out I am stumped. Best guess is one of two possibilities. First, it is a seed left from the Panama Red breeding or it is from a friend that never will tell me what he is giving me.
Let me give you one other tidbit on her. She has a strong rhubarb smell. LOL I kept thinking I know this smell and it took me a few days to remember my grandmother's rhubarb patch. So take a guess if you have any clue as to what she might be derived from, she is sativa or at the very least stongly sativa dominate.

Thank you all that read and post. Happy Growing to all that share the passion of this wonderful plant.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey all I don't know what happened but my profile was purged yesterday:fire: all of my messages, all of my Everything I guess I am just a brandnew noob again, this really sucks. But I am still here and I am going to see what admin can do about things for me. Thanks for all the understanding in this, guess I need to hit the pipe and see what can be done to restore the info if anything. Thanks Cane

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Oh well i just gave you some Reps+ Cane lol :leaf:

Are you going to continue this journal? I think I would just post a message here pointing to your new journal.

it's weird I can't send you a private message, only a visitor message. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Oh well i just gave you some Reps+ Cane lol :leaf:

Are you going to continue this journal? I think I would just post a message here pointing to your new journal.

it's weird I can't send you a private message, only a visitor message. :wall:
Thanks Green for the welcome and the reps lol. I am just going to keep the journal going here, they say they are working on fixing it. For the other strain I will start a new journal but figure until Runt and Linda are done I will stay here. Also, I haven't gotten an answer yet on that
I want to thank all that have welcomed me and those at RIU for working on the problem. I will be posting an update in the morning just too tired tonight


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was a big day for the plants and for me, ahhh born again in RIU :wall:. After waking up to find that I no longer existed here I went out to find that Mary was engulfed in mold on almost every bud. I grant you it was much but I have been fighting this problem for a month now. I gave in to the garden shears and dipped her in peroxide and she is now hanging to dry. :finger: I decided that with the clones I have going now and that are rooted I didn't need to waste the space on Mary and Jane genetics, those 4 clones are now in the compost pile.
Currently, I have 3 Runt clones rooted, 3 clones in the veg room and 3 Linda clones rooted and growing nicely, pics later today when it stops raining.
I also have El Monstre doing very with two clones in the veg room. Then there is the lowryder I am down to 1 of those the second met an untimely death.
More pics posted lated this morning of the clones and Runt.
Thanks again for the warm welcome back. Comments are always welcomed and appreciated.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey man..Some reps from me too to perk U up:):):)
Thanks Grow Space, I am perky now:-P. Ok, I just returned from walking down to the veg room where the clones are basking in cloudy weather and soaking up a few rays.
El Monstre first he/she, it is 14 inches tall now and 28 days from breaking ground. It was growing much better until I FIMed it, think I more or less missed all together and topped her. LOL. Oh well it is bushing up and should give me a few more clones before I set it out to flower or ball up on me. I planned on sitting it out to do its' thing in two weeks. I hope that I can keep her that long before it interferes with the others in the veg room. Lights Lights I need more lights......LOL, never thought I would get into the grow room part of things.
The clones are looking pretty good, I have tried to stretch them just a bit here in the beginning and it seems to have worked the way I was hoping. Here is my thought on that, I need to keep them fairly short this time around as space in the veg room is at a premium right now. I though if I stretched them a tad, then topped or FIMed them my side branches would have a little more light. Time will tell if this holds true or not.
I am adding on large photo of Runt to show how much deeper her pistils have become in just a few short days, still smells like rhubarb to me, but I love the color of her pistils.

The first pics below are of El Monstre, then a couple of the clones group shot and lastly the lowryder #1 standing at 8 inches and showing preflower at 28 days from sprout.
All comments and suggestions welcomed, and if you looked just say hello. Thanks and Happy Growing and Harvesting To All.:weed:

