Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
damn dude. it really doesnt look like you could fit 30 but I believe ya :wink: looks like you FIM them when they're young yea?

and no worries man. I like seein other 6's in operation :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

30 is smooshed together. That grow I toppped all the ones that were older. 10 day difference. And the smaller ones I probably should have pinched cause they out grew the toppes ones. I like a nice level canopy.


Well-Known Member
scribin' up on this one.. i'd take some clones to get your process started faster plus if you know they are females then you are like 2 steps ahead.. i like the area.. are you going to use any extra ventilation? that hood is huge you could fit like 5 bulbs in there.. lol
haha yea they're definitely fem clones. I was thinking about taking the screen off and transplanting into some bigger pots since I'm going to mother these. just gonna be some funny clones with some weird bends haha. I just put 3 blueberry beans in rockwool so those should be poppin up in a couple days and hopefully I'll get at least one fem to mother some blueberry :weed:
but yea definitely setting up some fans for the light and for the exhaust and fresh air intake. I have a tank I could fill with Co2 but anyone know how much it costs to fill a little 3 ft tank up?


Well-Known Member
If you are bringing outside air in wouldn't it be filled with enough CO2? i would love some blueberry seeds.. you guys are so lucky in cali with all your clones..


Well-Known Member
If you are bringing outside air in wouldn't it be filled with enough CO2? i would love some blueberry seeds.. you guys are so lucky in cali with all your clones..
hmm never thought about that. makes sense tho.
and yea man, I do feel pretty blessed to live in pretty much ganja heaven. shit, I live right up the road for Hodge! :-P


Well-Known Member
Lucky bastard. I'm about 3000 miles away. Love the constitution in the backround.
let us know if you're ever out this way NEL. and haha thanks man, someone gave it to me at the Sac Tea Party last week. thought it was appropiate considering all the Founding Fathers grew and smoked the shit out of it


Well-Known Member
Whats up homie. I subscribed... Hope this one goes better than the outdoor!
yea boy! glad you could join the ride.
haha and yea it'll definitely be a better turn out than the outdoor.

just transplanted the clones I was scrogging into 5 gallon containers that I cut a little more than half way up so I'm guessing theyre about 3 gallon containers. it was kinda hard unweaving all the branches and pulling the screen off without breaking anything. the two on the right are the silver grape haze clones and the ones of the left are the "super" gdp :weed:



Well-Known Member
have sex if your lucky.... great stress reduction there ;)

slowly increase the amount of light by one hour per day...... that is if you are worried bout stressing out hermies..... I wouldn't worry.... I would just throw em into 18/6 ...... they were only on 12/12 for a week.....


Well-Known Member
have sex if your lucky.... great stress reduction there ;)

slowly increase the amount of light by one hour per day...... that is if you are worried bout stressing out hermies..... I wouldn't worry.... I would just throw em into 18/6 ...... they were only on 12/12 for a week.....
ohh alright. yea I just put them in 20/4 last night but 18/6 would probably ease them easier back into veg

thanks TLD :leaf:


Well-Known Member
my uncle lives up in smartsville.. i visit every year at thanksgiving, i get to try the new harvest every year, last year was GPD, this year is some sort of Kush can't wait till November...