Rollin' right now

I'm rolling pretty hard, meself. A white dove and a gold rolex.

Life is fucking grrrrreeeeeaaaaatttt.

Happy New Years, People!
I ate a bean on New Year's too. I ate one at like 7:40 and started getting hammered around like 11:00. It was tons of fun.
ohhhhhhh shit... im about to bash on this thread... like king kong to the 22nd century!

First off SEROTONIN: U seem like a pretty well informed individual.. but to think that pills are herion based is a total farce! Personally I have only seen 1 pill that has been laced with a barbituate/ painkiller (fenatyl) and that is white oblong ecko rhinos of 06'... No cartel or chemist would waste their money on an adulterant that is 1000x times the value of mdma... mdma is dirt cheap to manufacture.... as far as the yield goes! For instance, for a decent lab constructed worth of 10,000 dollars... you can make up to 2-3 million in gross profit.

By the way I love you quote by Nietzche... I am utterly fasinated by his philosophy... not just his thoughts but the flow of his thoughts... how he states punctuality.... like as the one here, "In heaven, all the interesting people are missing." Ahh the art of aphorisms!
Ecko Rhinos?

Shit... those are long gone buddy... maybe some nutter out their has a few stashed away in his altoids mint jar... but yuck heroin is one sick route!
I fuckin hate "x"... but I always find myself doin it. 1 thing I can't stand is being around ppl rollin balls, and I'm sober. They are the nicest dicks I ever met. you basically despise being around ravers because your envious of their high your lacking...funny ironic shit!

Maybe the saying is true...I don't like the drug, but the drug likes me!"
You haven't met my dick yet then =D.
Your a fuckin' riot ;)

MDMA in its true sense will never be replaced.... although I might be wrong... advocates of lsd said their will never be another lsd... which in my opinion has been reached and overcome. ohhhh their is a big however coming... many reseach chemicals like the depth of lsd... mentally... many rc's definitely outweigh the visual aspects of sid... in its ablility to guide, manipulate, manuever ones thought in such low dosages... and carry a high infinity rate for overdose is remarkable... but ahhh im rambling... so i'll get back to my texas holdem match ;)
Your a fuckin' riot ;)

MDMA in its true sense will never be replaced.... although I might be wrong... advocates of lsd said their will never be another lsd... which in my opinion has been reached and overcome. ohhhh their is a big however coming... many reseach chemicals like the depth of lsd... mentally... many rc's definitely outweigh the visual aspects of sid... in its ablility to guide, manipulate, manuever ones thought in such low dosages... and carry a high infinity rate for overdose is remarkable... but ahhh im rambling... so i'll get back to my texas holdem match ;)
I just came down from 15mg of 2C-E. No visuals..felt more like a roll then anything =\.
I just came down from 15mg of 2C-E. No visuals..felt more like a roll then anything =\.
Are you serious?

Your in possesion of 2c-e... how envious I am of you! So no visuals off 15mgs of 2c-e... that is very odd... more just of a body high? How long did the voyage last? What about the mental clarity?

and one last important question... where did you get this stuff... pm me ;)
Did you receive the 2c-e from a personal source or a vendor source... maybe, it was 2c-i that you were given! When you say it felt more like a roll than anything... what are you basing this off of? Was their any effects that may give alerts that this could be 2c-e?
Is rollling in the nature of phenethylamines or is their a valuable teacher that can be of some beneficial use????????

The conundrum may crack under pressure!