Guerilla Stash Methods


New Member
I was curious how many people have geeked out on thier secret stash spot.

Undergrounds safes, trees safes, safe places in general.

Ive heard of people using gym lockers at gyms that offer executive lockers for a yearly fee.

You know that sort of thing.

I m really interested in outdoor ultra durable weather proof stashes.

the gym locker thing is hella dumb imho.. Its trouble waiting to happen.. I only grow 2-3 plants at a time so I never have a stash over a few ozs.. But if I did have alot I wanted to store safely from thieves or w/e, I would prolly buy a fireproof floor safe or wall safe..


New Member
Im not worried theives im more worried about law enforcement. Dogs will hit on a wall safe for sure.

This is what my buddy does he took a 5 gal bucket and glued a camo blanket to it and tosses it behind a tree on a walking trail in the woods.


New Member
I got a friend that some times has too much at one time. Not talking about ozs here...

Lets just say his 5gallon bucket idea is just the tip of the ice berg.. He wants to bury safe location.. Problem is winter is coming. How could you bury say a large wall safe in the ground without the contents being wet or frozen... When summer hits hes gonna have to worry about heat and humidity.

So what hes looking for is way to keep from freezing, filling up with water, and keep humidity low. (not just herbs in his stash).


Well-Known Member
Vacuum sealing sounds like a good option, it'd keep out humidity anyways.

Probably vacuum seal it then put it in mason jars, then bury it where no one ever goes...


Active Member
lol holy shit, I just can't imagine digging the hole for a wall safe! you should find a big fake oak tree, hollow it out then stick it in the forest!!! lol that. would. be. legit!


New Member
The digging wont be problem nor will the concrete beneath.. The concrete will be used to secure the safe..

But back to your tree thing, thats definately something to consider. Not sure where he'll find a fake oak tree but i bet he could find a real one. He had actually mentioned hiding it in a tree. But couldnt come up with a managable way of doing so.. Maybe find an easy one to climb and drill down into the trunk.. Also thought about cutting a hole in the side of the trunk but couldnt come up with a way to conceal the cutting. Even if he where to remove the bark in one solid peice there would still be a noticable outline..


Active Member
well, if you're taking the tree thing seriously, you must have sources and abilities that I don't have. haha but you could find a really big tree that has a knot and that already looks like a hole and nobody would even give it a second look. but I think climbing (or getting a ladder ;) ) and drilling down, would be easier and stealthier