First Grow Ever - 12/12 for 2 weeks now. Check out the pics

Ha Ha Ha

Longtime lurker. I just wanted to say I could not have come this far without the help of the countless threads that answered all of my questions before I even had to ask them. So thanks everyone!!

I found a seed in a bag from some really quality stuff back in May. I planted this on 5/31/09 and began the 12/12 cycle two weeks ago. What do you guys think?

I don't know the strain, just know she is really nice!!


what kind of soil and nutes are u using?... looks like you will definitely stock your reserves for the winter.
u might want to ad some more lights. more light=more bud
Very Green! Very nice lookin plant my friend. That should look real nice during harvest time. Is it inside a closet? Whats the room set up like??

Ha Ha Ha

what kind of soil and nutes are u using?... looks like you will definitely stock your reserves for the winter.
u might want to ad some more lights. more light=more bud
Very Green! Very nice lookin plant my friend. That should look real nice during harvest time. Is it inside a closet? Whats the room set up like??
Looking great, I'd like to know the nutes and soil too.. can't wait to see her bud out
I keep a lot of normal house plants around my place, so I used regular Scott's potting soil. Nothing special.

I feed her a mixture of miracle grow in fish tank water. I feed her every 14 days. Water her every 5 days.

She's growing in a 3x3' closet with a 12 foot ceiling. During the day the door is half open and a desk fan pumps air into the closet and the warm air is being forced out and up the top, its a simple system.

I'm using 5 250W CFL's, the plant is getting over 12,000 lumens.

I will update this thread as the flowering process continues.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have already heard but MG nutes are no good... the only time i heard about using them, the guy had to flush alot so he didnt get salt build up:leaf: Real nice plant though :clap:> It would be really worth it if you hit up your local hydroponic store:leaf: