Crack Recipes?

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New Member
Benzoncaine is like an oralajel spray..Dentist use it a local anesthetic.. I think your mistaken sir..

Maybe smoking crack on a benzodiazapine like valium klonopin ativan or xanax. That may cause heart failure...


New Member
Cmon sicc ever hear of the term "plausable deniability" Anyways i am really just helping a friend. I dont really like cocaine in general as i used to have meth addiction.. Once you do meth you just laugh at cocaine.... 50 bucks for a few hours of fun or 50 for a day of fun. Today i smoke the shit out of some nuggets eat some xanax or klonipin thats about it. Maybe some Molly every now and then.. Also i am on a cycle of winstrol depot and testosterone cypionate.. Blow is tha last thing im gonna do.. Im not eating 4,500 calories a day for nothing...


My boy getting the oil you speak of but he hasnt been able to get in hard rock. Keeps getting soft rocks that eventually powder out. When smoked it works but doesnt melt it just burns up into ash. He said it cool for personal use but would be hard to sell.. He did mention that he did get one decent rock but i wasnt yellow it was clear. How could he have gotten a clear rock? shouldnt it be yellowish?

he got a clear rock i call them boogers because that batch of coke was good. i bet the other batches were trash

the yellow shit was cooked more too i bet


New Member
wtf is wrong with your friend? is he retarded? i know people who cant read but could cook rocks. have you been useing the 7-1 ratio? it should make a yellow oil on the top gather it and dry it out. thats crack fool. IF YOUR COKE WAS GOOD AND YOU DIDNT OVER COOK IT IT WILL BE LOOKING LIKE GLASS ALMOST! you either got garbadge coke or its not coke at all!

all you doing is removing the salts making it a base. the shit aint hard you ould also use ammonia instead of soda, and not have to actually cook it this way.
I tried to tell him numerous times now. He for some reason just doesn't get it. He looks to debate everything someone tells him I gave up a few hours ago.


New Member
what is bottle jack?
Not trying to be a dick or anything but if you don't know what a bottle jack is then don't make crack. I know exactly how to make coke and crack along with other stuff. I used to be a EMF member and sell the shit out of it. I know what I'm talking about and you my friend should not be dabbling with it. If you don't know what a bottle jack is your probably too young to even be smoking weed. Rappers are liars and what they say is not the way it works. If you sell bunk or shitty stuff you will get killed or really beat the hell out of. Just leave it alone dude.


New Member
I know what a bottle jack is now. I just never knew the proper term for it. I just thought it was a hydrolic jack. The "bottle" part threw me. But anyways my boy has one.

Will this work for him: 14g(very decent cola) + 3.5 g inositol sifted through panty hose, mix, gently spray with acetone, mix, wait 30min-1hr then press? How long does the mix need stay under the pressure of the jack? Also what type of container would be best to press in? My buddy used steel once and some how the mix had wierd discoloration. Maybe something to do with a reaction with acetone and the steel?

Fyi: Im no child nor is my friend, We are simply newbs to manipulating cocaine.. And is not reasonable to question methods when were talking about a 400 dollar experiment. He dont have the dough just flush down the toilet. Come on man be reasonable..

As for the crack thing he did have some success with chitowns method or yours w/e. I missed your post about crack will yield less profit than straight powder.. Also i know for a fact that the cola hes got can be stepped on and sold with no problem as its the best around by a good margin.. He can 200 a ball out people who usually pay 120-150...

I dont care if you have to be a dick to get your point across. Just be constructive is all i ask. I do appreciate your info bro no lie. I didnt really intend for the that post to be directed at you and chitown. My appologies.. Any ways will it work?


Well-Known Member
Wow I have never learned so much about crack. Still not able to cook that shit up flip? I always thought it was easy. I know a lot of really stupid people back east that never seemed to have a problem cooking that shit up.


New Member
I aint the one doin it im just the messenger... My buddy has had some success.. Not extactly what he had thought. But i think with some more practice he'll get it..

Good to see you bro!! too bad its in a crack thread LOL... Ive been meaning to catch up on your thread last i knew you had a new project going.. Doing well? Ill see you in your thread soon...


Well-Known Member
I aint the one doin it im just the messenger... My buddy has had some success.. Not extactly what he had thought. But i think with some more practice he'll get it..

Good to see you bro!! too bad its in a crack thread LOL... Ive been meaning to catch up on your thread last i knew you had a new project going.. Doing well? Ill see you in your thread soon...
Yep it's coming along. I transplanted all my clones to coco two days ago, just a waiting game right now . . .


New Member
Wow I have never learned so much about crack. Still not able to cook that shit up flip? I always thought it was easy. I know a lot of really stupid people back east that never seemed to have a problem cooking that shit up.
Like in Jersey perhaps LOL


New Member
I know what a bottle jack is now. I just never knew the proper term for it. I just thought it was a hydrolic jack. The "bottle" part threw me. But anyways my boy has one.

Will this work for him: 14g(very decent cola) + 3.5 g inositol sifted through panty hose, mix, gently spray with acetone, mix, wait 30min-1hr then press? How long does the mix need stay under the pressure of the jack? Also what type of container would be best to press in? My buddy used steel once and some how the mix had wierd discoloration. Maybe something to do with a reaction with acetone and the steel?

Fyi: Im no child nor is my friend, We are simply newbs to manipulating cocaine.. And is not reasonable to question methods when were talking about a 400 dollar experiment. He dont have the dough just flush down the toilet. Come on man be reasonable..

As for the crack thing he did have some success with chitowns method or yours w/e. I missed your post about crack will yield less profit than straight powder.. Also i know for a fact that the cola hes got can be stepped on and sold with no problem as its the best around by a good margin.. He can 200 a ball out people who usually pay 120-150...

I dont care if you have to be a dick to get your point across. Just be constructive is all i ask. I do appreciate your info bro no lie. I didnt really intend for the that post to be directed at you and chitown. My appologies.. Any ways will it work?
just add whatever you want as long as it will stick and the coke will stay white/tint of yellow ppl will buy it you can just put in a bag with the stuff you can use your hand and press it with your hand also you can make flavored coke and sell for decent amounts if you know somebody with alot of cash or you can make it into what looks like gumballs and sell it for higher and easier to conceal


Well-Known Member
Like in Jersey perhaps LOL
More like Washington DC and Baltimore. I knew I guy that used to watch us do graffiti. He had a hypodermic needle stuck in his jugular vein about 90% of the time.

It was his heroin, he said he just left it in there so when he needed a little he would just "push it in" . . . his words. It was pretty often I saw that guy cooking crack over a barrel fire. It just seems like if that guy could cook some crack outside over a flaming barrel it must not be rocket science . . .


Well-Known Member
Yea i know man i was trying to help my friend out. If others feel this way too my appologies.

Anyone with the info pm me or post. IF this is against the moral of this section my bad. Wont happen again.

Still my boy needs the info. If you can help, help if you cant bounce.
whoa there tito slow your roll . CRACK that is some ballsy shit tryin to hang with pot heads and bust out with some crack. and if we cant help then bounce .wow guy you AND your "BOY "need help. now im not down to be an asshole but this just messed me up .what cuz we smoke weed were all druggies or some thin.


New Member
More like Washington DC and Baltimore. I knew I guy that used to watch us do graffiti. He had a hypodermic needle stuck in his jugular vein about 90% of the time.

It was his heroin, he said he just left it in there so when he needed a little he would just "push it in" . . . his words. It was pretty often I saw that guy cooking crack over a barrel fire. It just seems like if that guy could cook some crack outside over a flaming barrel it must not be rocket science . . .
Yea I think I've seen that guy back in the 90's and early 2000's. If it's the same guy he once put some in his eye. H over on the east is way better than the west coast.


Well-Known Member
More like Washington DC and Baltimore. I knew I guy that used to watch us do graffiti. He had a hypodermic needle stuck in his jugular vein about 90% of the time.

It was his heroin, he said he just left it in there so when he needed a little he would just "push it in" . . . his words. It was pretty often I saw that guy cooking crack over a barrel fire. It just seems like if that guy could cook some crack outside over a flaming barrel it must not be rocket science . . .

fuc that shit haha, i dont get why get why people would go as far as to sticcin a damn needle in them selves to get high, too much for me, i'll do other fuc but thats my limit right there, i would shoved that thing thru the jugular and kill the guy
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