400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
oh yeah,,got pics but my batteries died,,was gonna kinda save it for a HoLE rundown,,,but since ya asked ;-)) ,,,,I got 7 Oz.s from the 2 plants,,,have started a thread called New Build,,,going to a home made room of 4 by 6 by 8 high,,,,have updated pics for that too,,,but again,,need batteries,,nice to see ya T-Ho,,


Well-Known Member
u too man .. good on ya .. DIY can be a grreat way to go. us see the Montana GTO room. friggin profesh for sure. I'm sure urs will be superb. Great to cross paths again buddy! I got some sweet girls going again ... got 4-5oz from my one top44 ladybiatch. LOL! Walking ON!!~~~~~
I would to say thanks to everyone that has helped me. I just logged on today and went back a few threads and realized more people commented on my question about harvesting and when to flush. Everything is going great on my end. Plants are doing great and soon I'll be harvesting some killer buds. Thanks again!!:weed:



Well-Known Member
What is that aluminum foil thing thats round and attached to your light? Is that a filter of some sort?

I would to say thanks to everyone that has helped me. I just logged on today and went back a few threads and realized more people commented on my question about harvesting and when to flush. Everything is going great on my end. Plants are doing great and soon I'll be harvesting some killer buds. Thanks again!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Alright guys my 400 digital cool tube kit came today. I am now a part of the club :fire:

There is one female church in the back left corner of the box and the rest are an unknown purple strain. They should turn out like the plant in my avatar. Enjoy the pics

6" air ducting with a inlet fan facing out plus two industrial fans (120v and a 230v) in the next closet conected to thermostats that pull the air out when it gets to warm in the grow closet. Works pretty good becasue there is a 6 hole on the side of the bricks to our chimney in that closet which made it easy to filter the air out plus it keeps the closet from heating up. I also have a 230v fan pushing clean air into the closet 24/7. I shut it down sometimes to clean it and spray out the filter though. My wife has been pretty cool about the whole thing because I had to drill about 4 holes through the walls. Three 3" holes for my inlet fans and one 6" hole for my outlet. It all works pretty well and I never worry about stagnate air or if my plants are getting warm. In the winter time I have a heating fan already installed for those cold days when the 400w bulb is off. I'm currently in the process of making a cold cooling fan that will cool the room with a device found in ice chests that keep your food cold. I sure hope that works. I hate wasting my time with projects and they don't work out. How are your buds doing if I might ask?


Well-Known Member
i just ordered my 400 watt hps,a 48''x48''x80'' grow tent,a 4'' 130cfm inline fan with a odor soaker carbon scrubber,and i have 2 gallon grow bags with dirt,a fan for air movement,and im going to use the alaska fish emulsion(grow and bloom) for nutes.ihavent decided on the strain yet,does anyone have any suggestions?im looking for something thats ready in 8 weeks(50/50 amber-cloudy)oh yeah,the best news is that i get my med lic on october 17


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4 by 8 ft high closet grow. My third grow, second time with hydro. I have 4 ak48 and an ice growing in the hydro then over on the left 3 haze plants. started form seed 5 weeks ago so don't know the sex yet. The hydro is 17 inch and the haze plants are 16.

I think I'll let them grow to about 2 ft then flower.

What do you all think?


project fuoro

Well-Known Member
Hey 400-ers! I have kind of a dumb question, that I cannot seem to find the answer to anywhere.... Is a standard 400W bulb FAR less efficient than say a Sunmaster, or Hortilux? I am talking like a standard GE lucalox 400W HPS lamp.

What ya think everyone????


Well-Known Member
Hey 400-ers! I have kind of a dumb question, that I cannot seem to find the answer to anywhere.... Is a standard 400W bulb FAR less efficient than say a Sunmaster, or Hortilux? I am talking like a standard GE lucalox 400W HPS lamp.

What ya think everyone????
The bulb will work...but get yourself a bulb made for horticulture...it'll help in the end...promise.

I myself am throwing my babies under my 400 in 2 weeks...yay!