AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member

Day 14 for survivor... the bigger leaves are starting to get that yellow too. so im guessing it's from the nutes? so i didn't add them on this water change...

Day 9 of the round 2 babies. they all look relatively the same

Heres a shot of all of them together:

and here's the roots:


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes, and yes. Fairies, check. Unicorns, check, Woodland nymphs? Can somebody cue the nymphs....... This is Trapper's fairytaleland , so can someone please cue the those goddamn nymphs!

It IS all about noobs doing it from scratch, no question.
I just think you might be sporting some serious (alliteration?)rose-colored glasses when it comes to a cute girl with a cute avatar who talks cute getting TONS of help on a thread.
my fairytaleland,listen buddy,you might run around with your pecker in your hand all day,but dont put me in your group,you got that.and refrain from telling me why i read some ones journal.


Well-Known Member
whoa guys take it easy.

on another note: here's my cat about to enjoy some of HIS "grass", meanwhile deterring him from "enjoying" MY grass. ^____________^

^^nevermind the uber 70's blanket

**dude he looks like a fuckin gremlin er something.. yikes.


Well-Known Member
Nice.... I was just checking out this new "lonely grower" thread too! This is some serious playboy poor moves going on in this board.

Strangely uncomfortable.......... I'm sure this will be my last view lest I be fully creeped out.

p.s. - GL w the grow!
It seems to me that you are the same as everyone else that replied because you replied too. As far as the "playboy poor moves" goes it seems as that is a come on in itself. It implies these guys are cheesey and you are so smoothe and suave that you shall point out these these poor moves. In reality your words are saying look at all these creeps replying and hitting on her and look at me i am so different for pointing it out. it is kind of reverse physcology flirting by saying you are so different and above all these dogs. When in fact you are just like everyone else.:mrgreen: The game is to be sold not to be told.


Well-Known Member
whoever said that lots of people have posted here without needing to because she is just on the seedling stage are talking out of their ass.

The rough average is that for every 100 posts you should have around 2-3000 views. Also you will notice that this is the second time through the seedling stage if you actually bothered to read all of it instead of just trying to seem like the only cool one in a bunch of hotheads.


New Member

Day 14 for survivor... the bigger leaves are starting to get that yellow too. so im guessing it's from the nutes? so i didn't add them on this water change...

Day 9 of the round 2 babies. they all look relatively the same

Heres a shot of all of them together:

and here's the roots:
looks like they might need some hydro when they have to much nutes the leaves start to curl....


Well-Known Member
Just leave it as ph'd water, watch them come around and let them start to yellow slightly before trying with the nutrients again.


Well-Known Member
looks like they might need some hydro when they have to much nutes the leaves start to curl....
yeah i was thinking too much nutes. but man i only put 1/4 tsp per gallon. 2 teaspoons for 8gallons. Gyp advised me to put 1 tsp in though