How I Feel?


the universe is made up of 100% energy and driven by the unified power of consciousness. We are all connected to the same spirituality because we are connected to the universe as the same form of energy + consciousness. Most religion is symbolism pointing toward creation myth, sacred geometry and moral issues...over time now has become a product of man and thus non divine in my eyes, can only cause issues in the long run if we are ever going to be united as one people and one energy.

this video is very interesting i recommend watching ;]



Well-Known Member
Have you see What the Bleep do We Know? ?

There is alot of free stuff of Fractals, DNA, String theory, Blackholes, all really dope and mind blowing!! In the NOVA section.



Well-Known Member
the universe is made up of 100% energy and driven by the unified power of consciousness. We are all connected to the same spirituality because we are connected to the universe as the same form of energy + consciousness. Most religion is symbolism pointing toward creation myth, sacred geometry and moral issues...over time now has become a product of man and thus non divine in my eyes, can only cause issues in the long run if we are ever going to be united as one people and one energy.

this video is very interesting i recommend watching ;]

Aahhhhh, You don't Say :roll:...., I'll have to check out your video when I have time for it to download and Play. Funny how over time so much gets Lost in Translation. I don't believe Divinity is Lost either, just mis-Labeled, mis-placed, and Forgotten

btw Nice Post :clap:

Hollarrr, How U doin'



The universe is driven by forces in which we have to control over, unified power or not. To the Universe we are micro spects that complete a chain of Random life that has occured. The random occurance of events that gave us the thought process inwhich we have is a miracle. We are abosultey nothing speical in the Universe, we live in only aspect of the universe call SpaceTime, our 4 diminsional relm is just a single Trichonome on a ready to be harvested White Widow Plant. and that is how i feel.


The universe is driven by forces in which we have to control over, unified power or not. To the Universe we are micro spects that complete a chain of Random life that has occured. The random occurance of events that gave us the thought process inwhich we have is a miracle. We are abosultey nothing speical in the Universe, we live in only aspect of the universe call SpaceTime, our 4 diminsional relm is just a single Trichonome on a ready to be harvested White Widow Plant. and that is how i feel.
True, but look at that video and it explains a bit about "holographic reality" in which we as people, like in fractal mathematics are, just a very small portion of something that if you kept zooming out were infinite.

I know that our one true "creator" is beyond human grasp...the only thing we can master is the math and science leading up to our own moment of divinity.


I got good replies!
i post this shit elsewhere and people only say "dude zomgad no here's why you should follow jesus you pagan!"

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
What a dreamer

Lot's of new agers believe crystals have spiritual energy too :lol:

the reason everyone is questioning the religion of their heritage is because there's a concerted effort - by progressives - to discredit Christianity, just as the Russians did before they turned communist.

Jesus said he is "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me" not that there are many ways.

His followers - even those who were at first sceptical - believed he was who he said he was, even to the death. What do you think could make you believe in something so strongly in someone?

You can believe it or not, it's your choice, but I think it's easier to believe we're all just insignificant unified energy.

Full Text

Over the years I have talked to thousands of people who have asked me how to find their way to God. Some have sat in church pews all their lives but never come to personally know God. Others have sought for ultimate meaning in all sorts of ways but never found the peace of mind for which they were searching. Some simply realize that there is something vital missing in their lives.
The Bible teaches that this sense of lostness is rooted in the fact that we live in a fallen world in which we are all handicapped by a sin nature: we "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). And despite our best efforts we are unable to remove the haunting weight of guilt that separates us from our Creator.
God sent his Son to solve our dilemma. "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Jesus Christ made the way to God for us by his death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by the shedding of his blood. His death and resurrection made a new and everlasting covenant between God and humanity.
Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). He did not merely point the way to God. He himself claimed to be the only way to the Father and the source of eternal truth and life.
The way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Intellectual acceptance of Christ is not enough. You must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him, with a total trust in Christ's saving power for you.
Christ promises those who turn to him: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed from death to life" (John 5:24).
Today you can come to him by surrendering your life and heart to Christ. The Bible says: "To all who received him (Jesus Christ), to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).
Right where you are you can pray something like this: "Lord, I know that I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me and rose from the dead. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior."
If you sincerely put your faith in Christ, God promises not only to forgive you, but also to receive you into his family. It's the greatest discovery you will ever make!


What a dreamer

Lot's of new agers believe crystals have spiritual energy too :lol:

the reason everyone is questioning the religion of their heritage is because there's a concerted effort - by progressives - to discredit Christianity, just as the Russians did before they turned communist.

Jesus said he is "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me" not that there are many ways.

His followers - even those who were at first sceptical - believed he was who he said he was, even to the death. What do you think could make you believe in something so strongly in someone?

You can believe it or not, it's your choice, but I think it's easier to believe we're all just insignificant unified energy.

Full Text

Over the years I have talked to thousands of people who have asked me how to find their way to God. Some have sat in church pews all their lives but never come to personally know God. Others have sought for ultimate meaning in all sorts of ways but never found the peace of mind for which they were searching. Some simply realize that there is something vital missing in their lives.
The Bible teaches that this sense of lostness is rooted in the fact that we live in a fallen world in which we are all handicapped by a sin nature: we "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). And despite our best efforts we are unable to remove the haunting weight of guilt that separates us from our Creator.
God sent his Son to solve our dilemma. "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Jesus Christ made the way to God for us by his death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by the shedding of his blood. His death and resurrection made a new and everlasting covenant between God and humanity.
Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). He did not merely point the way to God. He himself claimed to be the only way to the Father and the source of eternal truth and life.
The way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Intellectual acceptance of Christ is not enough. You must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him, with a total trust in Christ's saving power for you.
Christ promises those who turn to him: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed from death to life" (John 5:24).
Today you can come to him by surrendering your life and heart to Christ. The Bible says: "To all who received him (Jesus Christ), to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).
Right where you are you can pray something like this: "Lord, I know that I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me and rose from the dead. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior."
If you sincerely put your faith in Christ, God promises not only to forgive you, but also to receive you into his family. It's the greatest discovery you will ever make!

GREEN KROSS if you are a collective, I LOVE YOUR MISSION BEACH LOCATION, i brought in that blue dream one time and you guys liked it.

Anyway not to go to far into, i believe in this or that when it comes to religions created effectively by man and man alone,
I've read the bible, i've also read the tibettan book of the dead, mayan codexs and other religious texts from before christianity was completely formed, that counter things said in the bible.
As such i try to to put to much speculation in books of men, which all contain the same numbers, symbolism and math as the others. instead i enjoy travelling on as i am, learning through life example keeping the idea in my head that we, and where we live, and what we do all hold a divine purpose...even if divine means nothing more than how perfect the math is to which our universe functions.

BTW: you know Christianity surfaced after jesus was already dead correct? and that jesus was a practicing JEW during the time his apostles would be taking note of his life. You also know that Jesus was not the only enlightened individual to ever walk the planet, hence why buddah has followers without being a true diety (he is made into one now)
putting as much faith as it seems like you are into one book without fully researching other portions of that book (all religious texts should be in one big archive to research and cross reference) is just IMO kinda....the easy way out when it comes to spirituality. sorry

and btw: all rock formations, all life formations, everything in the universe gives off a form of energy, seeing as all matter is is energy held in place by consciousness.
This is actually proven in a quantum physics experiment , where sending a single electron through a chamber, if it is observed by any form of consciousness the electron acts as a particle AKA matter. If no one is watching, just a machine to record what has happened, it acts as a wave AKA energy.


Well-Known Member
What a dreamer

Lot's of new agers believe crystals have spiritual energy too :lol:

the reason everyone is questioning the religion of their heritage is because there's a concerted effort - by progressives - to discredit Christianity, just as the Russians did before they turned communist.

Jesus said he is "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me" not that there are many ways.

His followers - even those who were at first sceptical - believed he was who he said he was, even to the death. What do you think could make you believe in something so strongly in someone?

You can believe it or not, it's your choice, but I think it's easier to believe we're all just insignificant unified energy.

Full Text

Over the years I have talked to thousands of people who have asked me how to find their way to God. Some have sat in church pews all their lives but never come to personally know God. Others have sought for ultimate meaning in all sorts of ways but never found the peace of mind for which they were searching. Some simply realize that there is something vital missing in their lives.
The Bible teaches that this sense of lostness is rooted in the fact that we live in a fallen world in which we are all handicapped by a sin nature: we "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). And despite our best efforts we are unable to remove the haunting weight of guilt that separates us from our Creator.
God sent his Son to solve our dilemma. "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Jesus Christ made the way to God for us by his death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by the shedding of his blood. His death and resurrection made a new and everlasting covenant between God and humanity.
Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). He did not merely point the way to God. He himself claimed to be the only way to the Father and the source of eternal truth and life.
The way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Intellectual acceptance of Christ is not enough. You must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him, with a total trust in Christ's saving power for you.
Christ promises those who turn to him: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed from death to life" (John 5:24).
Today you can come to him by surrendering your life and heart to Christ. The Bible says: "To all who received him (Jesus Christ), to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).
Right where you are you can pray something like this: "Lord, I know that I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me and rose from the dead. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior."
If you sincerely put your faith in Christ, God promises not only to forgive you, but also to receive you into his family. It's the greatest discovery you will ever make!
Again, so much is Lost in Translation...1st scripture doesn't say he is the only way, we claim that. 2nd'ly...he was speaking to his people, about their ways.. In which their ways were false, and correct, they would not be able to see the grace of God unless they modeled themselves akin to his likeness.. The truth, the Way, the Life


Well-Known Member
From Trypt
and btw: all rock formations, all life formations, everything in the universe gives off a form of energy, seeing as all matter is is energy held in place by consciousness.
This is actually proven in a quantum physics experiment , where sending a single electron through a chamber, if it is observed by any form of consciousness the electron acts as a particle AKA matter. If no one is watching, just a machine to record what has happened, it acts as a wave AKA energy.
Yeah I've read about some of these experiments, neat stuff. I thought it was a photon not an electron but I could be wrong. Cern will be starting up their hadron particle collider again this fall. It's like the worlds biggest science experiment. Whatever results they get from that thing will be amazing.


ah yes it was a photon, my mistake.

the LHC should prove some interesting results however it will be years before we hear of any of it. the government will want full research done into the report results as well before releasing a hint to the public it is finished.

the spirit realm....the Ashakic Records, the subconscious...heaven, hell... imagination... to me i believe it could simply be a product of true consciousness. there are theories we are all linked via the subconscious because it is an unfiltered state of mind. Normal thought process blocks and filters certain ways of seeing things. Psychedelics like DMT, psilocybin and LSD can remove these blocks and it is my opinion that through proper research of these psychedelics you will find ways to view things the naked eye cannot see such as magnetism and energetic field. these "drugs" also very closely associated with the subconscious and imagination, for they act upon consciousness in ways consciousness wants to act...un-inhibited.
I have done research into Dimethyltryptamine aka all of our brains produce it and it goes into effect as we dream or have a near death (near-life?) experience. It is the most spiritual thing you could possibly experience but it could also be the most radical. the Mayans used to consume this drug in their Tea called Ayahuasca. It is no wonder they were perfect mathematicians and astronomers...they have the calendar to prove it too. Anyway without rambling on to far on other things, we can discuss further if you are all interested,
the mayan long count calendar marks a procession of every 26000 years. The Maya spiritual belief was that each cycle ended an age of humanity and brought upon a new age of vision and enlightenment. This is perplexing however because their calendar ends dec. 21 2012.

Now, people call it doomsday, people call it the awakening day. Reason being, it is possible for a geomagnetic polar reversal to occur because of a change in celestial energy toward our planet. this has occurred up to 7-8 times in the history of the earth says researchers so it is not an impossible theory in the least.

My point being, The Pineal Gland, in the center of your brain...which produces your DMT and melatonin which help regulate thought / sleep patterns (if you don't sleep and dream, you go crazy and die) The pineal gland used to be a third-eye in species of lizards and mammals. it has been found in some species of lizard to still posses a cornea and lens.
This gland, in the center of the human brain tucked safe away from any physical harm short of murder, is HIGHLY sensitive to magnetic fields. Animals have better harness over the detection of the is how they detect a storm coming or something occurring in an area around them.

It is one of my beliefs that in 2012 a geomagnetic polar reversal will occur, causing our brains to increase the normal DMT and melatonin production and causing us to see reality in new ways. Consumer based life, separated peoples under different rules, poverty, violence...will be over turned as we enter the age of aquarius...always fortold in many religions and beliefs to be the age of enlightenment and peace for man.

Thank you,