To everyone wondering where Goten is...


Active Member
Goten wanted me to let the community know that he hasn't been on here because he is serving the rest of his 9 month probation in jail. He considers you all his friends and thought it was just right.
So let's all bongsmiliefor him...


Well-Known Member
dont know the guy . seein he hangs here he must be the shit . jail sucks . i will be glad to burn one down for a fellow roller . +reps for being so considerate.


Wooooooow fuck his stupid ass ex wife man. Give me that bitches number, I'll show her how to wreck a life. Dumb bitch.

Anyways, goten is awesome and that sucks big time. Fuck her for putting him through that shit, I hope she gets hers bad.


Active Member
Anything we can do to help him and his family?
not that I know of....he's still not even at the permanent facility yet...

His kids are somewhere safe, right? He got the serious end of the long dick of the law. :(
yes, his mother is watching over his kids-she's the one that told me all this..
What's sad is I probably could have prevented all of this for him :(
oh no, hows that?


Well-Known Member
Damn....... Jail sucks..... But when your out .. its a fucking great feeling... !

Love to the man down there... hope all goes smooth for ya ;)

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks. I feel really bad for the guy having to put up with so much bullshit, cause he seems too cool to have to deal with someone so stupid.


Active Member
he got in trouble cause of a post??? Why can women be such beyotches!!! Man I haven't even gotten to talk to him an my bf says he was cool... Wow that sucks... We should colberate a plan to bust him out every month for a loooong smoke break.... LOL... Wow..


Active Member
I don't think I remember that post..... hmmm oh well, at least he won't have 13 months probation, and will be free sooner.