criticism wanted


just some pics of my babies tell me what you think its my first grow so criticism would be greatly appreciated :D also pics were taken at night while dew was on the plants and i believe it had rained sorry if the pics aren't perfect



Well-Known Member
Looks good. I would like to see what they look like in the day time.

Good Job


New Member
just some pics of my babies tell me what you think its my first grow so criticism would be greatly appreciated :D also pics were taken at night while dew was on the plants and i believe it had rained sorry if the pics aren't perfect
they look great
i like the indica

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
They look good and healthy. Hope your some where warm though, they got a longggggg time to go. Did you just put them outside or have they been grown outside from the start.


Well-Known Member
Healthy looking but very small. Not a very good yield unless you can grow through the end of November to December. You asked for criticism and the worst thing you can do is take photos of your plants at night. It does a strange hormonal thing and causes them to continue to veg during bloom season...Have you take other photo's? They should ALL be flowering by now if you live in the US or Canada.... Most gardens are started in spring (March to end of May), flowering starts in late July to mid August do to lessening daylight hours...A plant started in spring would be 5-10 feet tall by now and covered with buds.....Get yourself a " How to Grow" book this winter and you can be preparing your site/holes in February and be ready for spring.....Hope that helps....The photo is a plant from seed that was put in the ground on Cinco De Mayo, May 5th......... taken yesterday...
Happy Harvest and Happy Gardening next year....

