Damn jail sucks! Anyone ever been in the pen?


New Member
A couple days back when we decided to ignore each other? And then you quote me and make some off hand comment about how you usually hate me? Sounds like YOU starting it back up because you want some attention.
I usually do. I was staing that this one time we agreed about something. Listen I'm not gonna respond to you anymore. I'm not looking for attention either.


stays relevant.
If y'all want to ignore eachother, use the Ignore user option in your control panel. Dont subject the rest of us to whatever bullshit you have against eachother :)

Carry on. ;)


Well-Known Member
who cares though? nobody has to be an asshole to him, which of you are being. ya his storys are wild and crazy and he does say a lot of stupid things but you dont know him. I laugh at the storys he writes hell they may not even be storys ;) but yah i always read these posts and everyones just bein an asshole to him. If you dont like him get him kicked off the site.

ROLF!! How hypocritical is that?!

"Don't be an asshole to him" and then two seconds later, "If you don't like him get him kicked off the site"..

Um, because THAT wouldn't be an asshole-ish thing to do?


Well-Known Member
Damn, mystic, I missed you! Did you get a boyfriend while you were in? I told you you'd make a good housewife. :)


Well-Known Member
I think he read my thread earlier about how this college kid is gonna get robbed by Mystic. Someone else said he hasnt been around for weeks. and that he probably got arrested. and now he makes this thread? he's just a-lurking waiting to have fun like this :P

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I agree with Pnuggle I think he read that shit about being in jail,then made the thread.I want to know why he did not chime in on the top 150 mystic clown qoates


Well-Known Member
Ha I got caught burning in my car in a parking garage, after some illegal search and seizure, I was charged with Felony Possession (2 Oz(one of which was weighed out in halfeighths in separate bags) of some INCREDIBLE Gainesville Green):wall: With intent to distribute:wall: ( took two scales off me along with 11 counts of beautiful paraphernalia):wall:. I spent 32 hours in county before my first hearing, during which time I had experienced a holdin cell full of crackheads and heroin dealers (Palm Beach County) for 6 hours, showered naked with the afore mentioned inmates, more time spent naked for no reason in front of fuck-head guards, then into temporary holding with 60 other inmates. I watched an arab guy about 23yr/o get literally bitch slapped TO THE GROUND and then kicked in the head MULTIPLE times just for trying to use the phone, but he kept trying it was pretty sad. The security guards literally did nothing for this man. I spoke when spoken to and made some unlikely 'connects' for just about every drug on the list.

Mind you this was all two days before my Senior Highschool Prom. Im 18 and I plan on NEVER being incarcerated for the rest of my life fasho:finger:
Court Date is October 8th, WISH ME LUCK!!!:-P


Well-Known Member
holy shit im sober and found this hilarious. as for you inthewoods, good luck with that man. if you go to vierra courthouse, hope you get mckibben, thats the judge i got and shes very merciful and nice. im on 6 months probo (one month down w00t), no jail time, and its gettin wiped off my record for less than 20g possesion and paraphenilia, (pretrial diversion) funny thing is i got cuaght like 4 months before then when i was 17 and got the pay program so that wiped it off my record too :hump: im just one lucky mofo i guess :joint: