innocent Pastor shot by DEA agents in civilian clothing....

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
adrenaline and glocks don't go together. Cops shoot people who do nothing wrong and get away with it all the fucking time and to weather or not i've been in combat i've disarmed one guy trying to shoot me and been in one other spot where i was shot once

and are now on my ignore list. bye.


Well-Known Member
I guess you're missing the fact that COPS who shoot people are TRIED by a JURY of CIVILIANS who OBVIOUSLY saw the COP was JUSTIFIED... and thus of course they get away with it because no wrong was done.

Can't blame the cop if someone pulls out a cellphone and makes an aiming gesture, if people would shut up instead of getting out of the car and yelling, "Fuck you pig!!!" and put their hands on the steering wheel and be respectful to officers, I'm sure a lot less people would be killed "mistakenly". Unfortunately, there are plenty of idiots in the world like this pastor here who thought backing over officers wouldn't cause serious injury or death to himself, that's DARWIN for ya!

If you're an adult and you break the law, fuckin' own up to it... laws will always be there and they'll always be broken, it's the way of the world my friend... get with the times or go out and start shooting cops since you despise them, please do... just get your family to post your obit here so we can see how stupid you just may be!


Too many brownies
Not to mention some of us citizens have concealed carry permits and legally carry our own firearms. Its not a stretch that an armed citizen could see something like that, think they are seeing a car jacking or robbery and open fire on the "UN-IDENTIFIED" agents.
yes yes yes....I really dont understand what the US is coming too....and its write in the Newspaper like its nothing...we should be revolting!!!!!

These guys are gonna get a slap on the wrist...lose their jobs or get demoted...who the fuck knows what....Its insane!

I want justice, I want America to change...

I think we are becoming worse than SOVIET RUISSA and the SSS


Too many brownies
Ummm... looks like we all forgot two things here...

"putting his car in reverse and striking one of the officers in plain clothing."

Yeah, I'd have shot him too if he tried to run me over... if the officers identified themselves as police and he took the actions said there, another contestant for the Darwin award.

"The passenger was the person being investigated by the task force."

As the saying goes... Chi va dormir con i cani, si leua con i pulici

The fact that he's a pastor has nothing to do with this, it's just to tug on our little bleeding liberal hearts... of which I have not.

Fact in this story: Try to run over cops, get shot... seems like common sense to me!

Edited to add: And without seeing the video, none of us can say the police were unidentified or not, as most of the times they're pumping adrenaline and yelling POLICE POLICE... it also says he resisted questioning... so, did they talk to him, and THEN he put his car in reverse? If so, the cops had every right to end his life... try running over me and I'll do it too, thank God for open carry!
I dont give a fuck if hes a pasture...fuck religion. Regardless he was a US citizen just like any of us. Fuck I dont even care if he wasa citizen...hes a fucking human

How about when DEA agents in citizens clothing killed the old woman in her own home because she thought she was being robbed. She was no criminal but now she is dead for nothing. TURNS OUT IT WAS THE WRONG FUCKING HOUSE!

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
I doubt the guy wouldn't have known they were cops. From the time they get out of the vehicle their yelling POLICE at the top of their lungs. If that's the case and he then decided to put the car in reverse and run into the police officers, what did he think would happen. If I was a cop (or anybody else) and was watching some guy run over my're damn right I would shoot.

If on the other hand they didn't say anything, identify themselves, then their in the wrong. But I somehow doubt police wont be yelling POLICE at the top of their lungs.... Most people on here seem to automatically assume it was the cops fault....but there are proto-calls to follow when dealing with the public to make sure police are safe and EVERYONE knows them.....threaten ANY cop's life and their not gonna hesitate to shoot. When a cop tell you to put your hands up, don't move, listen to them. Slamming the car in reverse and hitting a cop isn't exactly a way to make yourself look innocent.

If he refused questioning then he know who they were. Most cops wont stop letting you know who they are as well....

Like I said, if the cops didn't give him a chance to learn who they were then fuck em, but I have a feeling that he just panicked....

It's a shame, kid will have to grow up without a father....


Well-Known Member
While I obviously don't agree with armed agents in civilian clothing (guns drawn) approaching ANYONE, EVER, the guy did run over one of them with his car. As far as LEOs are concerned, that's assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer, and at that point they are shooting to KILL. Doesn't matter if it's the freaking POPE. If he assaults a cop, he's going down HARD. If he assaults a cop with a deadly weapon, they're going to kill him.

I mean, I understand why the guy would want to get the fuck out of there, but seriously! Look behind you before you back up =)


Well-Known Member
I dont give a fuck if hes a pasture...fuck religion. Regardless he was a US citizen just like any of us. Fuck I dont even care if he wasa citizen...hes a fucking human
Ok and the point of that is? Cops are humans too, are they just supposed to let civilians who run over them go? I don't get your logic... you act as though they made a mistake... the only mistake made in this situation was by the pastor who ran over one of them with a car! And I'm willing to be that when we see the video, if it has sound, we'll hear them yelling POLICE POLICE... then what will you say?

If on the other hand they didn't say anything, identify themselves, then their in the wrong. B
Exactly... I'd be saying prosecute prosecute too if they didn't identify themselves... but as you said, I'm more than SURE they did, he got spooked cause he's a pastor about to get busted with cocaine and fled... aka, IDIOT! LOL.


Too many brownies
Ok and the point of that is? Cops are humans too, are they just supposed to let civilians who run over them go? I don't get your logic... you act as though they made a mistake... the only mistake made in this situation was by the pastor who ran over one of them with a car! And I'm willing to be that when we see the video, if it has sound, we'll hear them yelling POLICE POLICE... then what will you say?

Exactly... I'd be saying prosecute prosecute too if they didn't identify themselves... but as you said, I'm more than SURE they did, he got spooked cause he's a pastor about to get busted with cocaine and fled... aka, IDIOT! LOL.

ahhh fuck it youre right lol....

I still dont agree with cops in civilian clothing though.