What is this?? Plz help

happy smoker

Active Member
Maybe you cant see but there are holes in the stalk. What causes this ? The one that i noticed i cut off. I have had this before but never found out what caused it . Look at the oics real close and you can see them.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
take a picture of the little bugger .. find out what it is and go from there .. i wouldent try to ride it out once there in there they will kill everything
I had the same thing, it looks like a little worm and she spewed her eggs out of the hole. I just plugged the hole off with a stick, and the plant has continued to grow with no ill effects and now has giant, nice buds all over, so what I'm saying is not to worry to much I guess?

happy smoker

Active Member
I took the commanders suggestion and looked it up best ican tell it is th european corn borer.. I think still didnt give alot of suggestion getting rid of them except try and wash the eggs off with a garden hose. I dont know for sure what to do? Maybe fingernail polish over the holes would smother them?thanks for the replys and if anybody else has a suggestion i like to hear it thanks.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I took the commanders suggestion and looked it up best ican tell it is th european corn borer.. I think still didnt give alot of suggestion getting rid of them except try and wash the eggs off with a garden hose. I dont know for sure what to do? Maybe fingernail polish over the holes would smother them?thanks for the replys and if anybody else has a suggestion i like to hear it thanks.
I wouldn't use fingernail polish as the chemicals in that shit will absorb in you plant and could damage it or kill!

happy smoker

Active Member
thanks sound good ill try anything . i had been thinking of ladybugs because of what i was reading said that moths lay the eggs on the leaves and then then it hatches and bores in . think they would work 2?