what drug and how many times?


Well-Known Member
change away stevie!! :D I'm ready for YOUR world lol
so -19
Tavist-D-3 times (it's a cold medicine, makes you FuUCKED up in a very bad way-seizures)
Delsum/Robos/ccc's-shit... about a year straight that I don't even remember...
coke- everyday for 2 weeks, but strangely never got addicted..
script pain killers- probably over a dozen times but less than 30
diphenhydramine(benadryl)- twice
Dramamine- 3 times (craziest dreamlike trip)
shrooms- 3 times
adderal- 10 times?
xanes- 5 times... crazy shit right there
weed-years worth...
alcohol- 20 times? not much of a drinker..

get ready for a full frontal assult! lol ;)

ive tried benedryl a few times too. last time i did it it was the worst trip ever. now i just take it to help fall asleep. or take a couple and smoke a bowl. youll get the best sleep ever. you feel nice and relaxed.

i heard about dramamine... at school at night sometimes i wanna trip but i dont have anything to do it off of. so is the dramamine trip worth it? whats it like.


New Member
Age 19 Male

weed 3000+
heroin 1200+
coke 600+
Booze 10-12
vicodin 30 pills but i really needed them after wisdom teeth were pulled
damiana leaf 5-10 times didn't feel much
salvia 1

This is every drug I have done or do. If it's not listed I've never done it. :weed:


Active Member
well I goofed by not getting the non-drowsey kind so it almost makes me pass out. but during my awake times it literally fels like you are in a foggy/ floating dream... pretty cool but you are couch locked and looking stupid as hell lol
age: 22
Weed: everyday!
Salvia: 1
Hash: 10+ (good stuff)
LSD: 2 (cool)
Shrooms: 3 (cool)
MDMA: 3 (kinda cool)
alcohol: every now and then... NOT my substance of choice
pharmies: less than a handful in my life

cant go wrong with mary jane


Well-Known Member
well I goofed by not getting the non-drowsey kind so it almost makes me pass out. but during my awake times it literally fels like you are in a foggy/ floating dream... pretty cool but you are couch locked and looking stupid as hell lol

i might give that a try on a lonely boring night. thanks.

nice lists guys. everyones pretty diverse for the most part. number wise.

lets keep em coming!


New Member
holy shit ....you guys are jit's..........yay lets talk about how much drugs we've done yay....were soo cool.....yaaaaaaaay!!!


New Member
when you guys meet people...do you tell them your cooler than them, then list all the drugs you've done....fuckin loosers


New Member
no trust me i do ignore it all the time but that shit pisses me off man this dude has not been there that long and talkin shit to everyone i swear ppl these days have no respct
you prolly think your cool dont you.....you suck at growing weed...look at your avatar......go do some more drugs


you'll learn to ignore it lol

Age - 22

Weed - Since 12

Alcohol - Used to kane it but no more

Pills ( Ex based) - 100+

Coke - 100+

Speed - 50-70 Fuckin luv it

Ket - 30-40 Mental

Acid - 5

Shrooms - 10-15

Crack - 4

Heroin - 8-9

Mdma - 20-30

Valium - 5

Codine - 3

Barbiturates - 1 with ket

Tramadol - 3-4 with ket .. fucks you up

VDCH ( sumfin like that ) - 1 (Grey market drug ... stay away from that shit .. mental but grimey comedown

Salvia - 3

Nitrous Oxide - 30-40

its all about speed and weed for me
Smacks shit dont see the appeal and coke/crack is arrogance fuel for people with an unending ammount of money and even then it would probably fuck your life up. all the others are fun but of the hallucinigens i reckon pills wid ket or shrooms wid speed for the best effects :)


New Member
you prolly think your cool dont you.....you suck at growing weed...look at your avatar......go do some more drugs
No...But your a coward! You make remarks over the web but I gurantee you wouldn't say them in real life. I would suggest you kiss-ass because you haven't been here that long so they wont think twice about banning you.


New Member
why is it because you talk shit on the internet...your automatically a little scrawny kid that wont say shit in real life.....id piss all over your shitty plant....then shove as much coke down your throat as i can until you die....since you think its soo cool