what drug and how many times?


Well-Known Member
its diffrent to anything else tbh.. but can be expensive so if you have other hullucinigines available to you i dont see the point, if you wanna grow it on the other hand..
age 22
weed- everyday for 5 years
oxycontin- everyday for 2 years those were some bad ones CLEAN NOW snorted and shot up
herion- black tar-3 , white china- 30 snorted and shot up
shrooms- 5 at most
coke- 100
ketamine- 1
2CI- 1
booze-not really a drinker but still alot since its the " SOCIAL" thing
crack- never
X- never


Well-Known Member
Age 60

Alcohol - small amounts daily
Tabbacy - Quit in 2000 for good
Weed most days since 1965
LSD - 300-400 hits/2 times hit up
STP - 1
MDMA - 1
Mescaline - 100 or so hits
Shrooms - 50-60 times
Phisociben - 30 trips
Belladonna - 3 or 4 times(ugh!)
Coke - 100 nose/3 times hit up
Meth (pharma) 400 times
Dex (pharma) 50 times
Hydrocodone - 5000+ hits
Inhalants and junk - 100 times
Opium - smoked once
Can't remember everything else but never did smack.:blsmoke:
oh yeah, salvia - 2 times lol
Age: 19

Cannabis - Everyday for two years
Drinking- Used to drink a lot before I found my love in weed. Plus its not as fun not that i'm legally allowed to drink haha.

And yup. Thats it. Only other thing I would consider is Shrooms or Salvia.