police helicopters how do they catch you


Well-Known Member
They aren't going to see his PLANTS on FLIR they will see the heat put off by the lights. A 600w HPS ballast puts off alot of heat and if there is any extreme heat in an area of ground a heli/plane might wonder what that is.

Granted it could be pumps for septic tanks and the like but yeah the ground formation would be more easily spotted if the underground growing op was properly insulated.

If this was near a home you could make a solar pre-heater to mask the heat footprint obove and pump that into your hot water heater and save some money on gas at the same time(easier to heat preheated water).



Active Member
of course they cant see plant heat inside. i was talking about outside growing. thanks for telling me grow lights get hot tho.......didnt know that.....

They aren't going to see his PLANTS on FLIR they will see the heat put off by the lights. A 600w HPS ballast puts off alot of heat and if there is any extreme heat in an area of ground a heli/plane might wonder what that is.

Granted it could be pumps for septic tanks and the like but yeah the ground formation would be more easily spotted if the underground growing op was properly insulated.

If this was near a home you could make a solar pre-heater to mask the heat footprint obove and pump that into your hot water heater and save some money on gas at the same time(easier to heat preheated water).



Well-Known Member
they also look for changes in power usage, but the way around that is to keep salt water reef tanks as they use similar lighting and what not so you can keep your cover there and have an awesome fish tank to look at while you are using your medicine


Well-Known Member
of course they cant see plant heat inside. i was talking about outside growing. thanks for telling me grow lights get hot tho.......didnt know that.....
Ever touch a 100w incandescent bulb? Imagine a 600w bulb now. Also the ballast has a bunch of electronic components and at 600 watts most devices are hardly efficient and the byproduct of wasted energy is HEAT.

So yeah, gets pretty damn hot.

Search warrant issue is not relevant. If the police spot it, they can have a patrol car in the area for a legally initiated search based on probable cause within the hour...all an officer really needs to do is smell or see pot...and if he knows where to look from surveillance above, that's about all they need. Helicopters, however, are not as effective as some people like to think. For starters, they look for patterns in vegetation that are not natural...so rows, zigzags, etc. are not a good idea. Also, the plants themselves, pending how large, standout from above. No normal household has a random ass plant in the middle of the yard growing...
Additionally, if you are doing an outdoor, guerilla type deal away from your property let's say or in wooded area, they look for disturbances to nature. For example, trash, man made adjustments to the land, trails, obvious concealment, and non-natural growth patterns. Also, people out in the middle of the woods looks bad.
The plants themselves do not necessarily emit anything that a normal plant would not. Now, if clumped together in a large group, it might look odd, but a cluster here, a cluster there. No problem. Infa red is going to expose random dudes walking around in the woods at night working on their grow.


Well-Known Member
first of all, in the united states, FLIR observations are not admissable as evidence as probable cause for search and seizure... it goes against the right ti unwarranted search and seizure. this is not limited to FLIR, and applies to ANY technology used to gain evidence. they CANNOT enter your property with images taken from RANDOM flyovers.. they must obtain a warrant specifically to use the equipment to take the image. with a warrant they can do whatever they want, however, and all it takes to get a warrant is one snitch that says 'this dude grows!'
see this link if you think im shitting you:
Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001)

how they spot plants in the woods and hills is a little bit different, tho.
besides the fact cannabis is not native to north america and sticks out like a sore thumb and is spotted easily from the air with the naked eye.. they also have another trick up there sleeve:

they use a technology called 'spectrum matching image analysis'

basically it works on the idea that they know how weed reflects light... a wide angle image is processed through a computer that scans the image using several filters to do a contrast comparison of the reflected spectrums of light... its like having a robotic high def camera that knows exactly what weed looks like and its all it looks for.


there got a infared camra on the helicopter and a screen and they can see da yarndi turns purple on on it
i no for a fact coz my cuz is with a x copa XP



man all u cunts that are talkin warents n shit ur fuckin dumb cunts lol if they no u got yardy they be comin in to seaz tha shit befor anythink
when u no sum1 that have got done for growing then u will find out they will fuck u ova if u think that lol
I'll assume for a moment that you were attempting to use English...then I will hope to all that is holy, that it is not your native tongue.
That being said, I still think you are an idiot Jaso420.
The basis for your argument seems to be that your cousin dates an ex-cop. I can certainly see how that would make you an authority.
What sort of cop was he? City? County? State? Traffic cop? Investigator? S.W.A.T.? Undercover?
What state did he work in..because the laws are a bit different in each, unless you are dealing with the Feds...in which case it falls under a different and often stricter set of laws.

In reality, I don't care about the answers to any of these questions. I'm simply pointing out that there are a lot of differences in the type and quality of police officer. Most cops are simple beat cops who probably got quite lucky to graduate high school or get their GED. I have a feeling you cousin's cop lover was one of those...hence your half retarded statement.


Well-Known Member
man all u cunts that are talkin warents n shit ur fuckin dumb cunts lol if they no u got yardy they be comin in to seaz tha shit befor anythink
when u no sum1 that have got done for growing then u will find out they will fuck u ova if u think that lol



Well-Known Member
Quick question. Would you say it is safer to use a grow tent since all of the heat is trapped in the tent? Also is it a bad idea then dump the air into the attic?
one thing to keep in mind is that most peoples water heater is set 110 degrees f or higher. your dryer also gets quite hot when its drying your clothes and if your grow is warmer than that you may have problems with your plants so unless you have a super grow throughout the whole house that is pumping out a tremendous amount of heat you should be fine


Well-Known Member
90% of the time, they catch you with the naked eye. marijuana is easily distinguishable from anything else in the woods in most places. That's why not planting in patterns, only putting a few in one spot, and not leaving trails to your crop are important. I use a GPS and have my outdoor grow grids plotted as number letter combos. It also has grids to 50 other things too, so it's not just for that. I have streams and property corners on there too. I can get to my locations from anywhere. I also have them written down in case my techno fails.

If you're FLIR is what you're talking about, if they're doing that, then they probably already have a reason. With FLIR or any therman imaging device it looks like you have the sun trapped in your attic or room.


I have a question. I want to know if anyone thinks the FLIR can see my grow? I know the local popo have it. My state is notorious for indoor grows.

I freaked out last week when at 2:00 am I hear a chopper over my house and it keeps circling round and round, also I see police officers with flashlights running around my neighborhood.

Turns out some dude bailed out of his car near my neighborhood after hit and run and being chased by police and they were looking for him.

I am about to turn my flower room on and flower 20 plants in attic under 2 600 watters. I have insulated the hell out of the attic R60 then OSB air tight with paint and caulking then lined room with 6 mil black plastic over that then 4 mil panda plastic over that. I am drawing air from house 74 degrees through sealed lights and out of the room into a air tight dead space. I run a 9500 BTU portable AC in the flower room.

I am sucking the soon to be smelly hot vented air from that grow room into same area and sucking all of the bad air and the air from lights with a 720 cfm fan hooked to scrubber and blown into another part of attic.

My lights were not on that night because my clones were not ready, If all that equipment was running that night would I have been fucked? I know they were not looking for me. But, they would have gotten a heat signature (I believe?) Would I have seen a cop the next day at my door??

I live in the deep south where it is currently 85 degrees during day and stays that way (more or less) till April then it gets 90+ again.

With 20 plants I could do serious time. I got priors. What does everyone think?

Am I stupid for growing with my background? I am a experienced grower and I'm not paranoid by nature, and there will no odors or sound outside the room for a passerby to hear or smell. I only worry about something freaky happening to get me busted like the chopper thing that was completely ramdom and may never happen again or could happen again tonight.

Food for thought for anyone, and all advise welcomed.


Well-Known Member
there got a infared camra on the helicopter and a screen and they can see da yarndi turns purple on on it
i no for a fact coz my cuz is with a x copa XP

Did you even get to 5th grade? Man what a waste of electricity... Really hooked on phonics works man give it a try....JR


Active Member
man all u cunts that are talkin warents n shit ur fuckin dumb cunts lol if they no u got yardy they be comin in to seaz tha shit befor anythink
when u no sum1 that have got done for growing then u will find out they will fuck u ova if u think that lol
Please don't post anything unless you are going to write it in English and to where others can read it...otherwise it's just a waste of your time and ours.

Straight up G

New Member
Would a 400w HPS in a closet with the closet door open light up FLIR?, exhausted through a carbon filter and into the rest of the house although much of the heat is escaping into the room itself the window is open to drawfresh air..

Please answer me, I'm worried.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you have anything to worry about. When I was exhausting my 400w MH out of my grow tent and into the room the ambient temperature never got above 80.