1st grow Snowryder


Active Member
Ok guys i have a question for anyone that can help, i heard using bat guano is good i already have roots organic soil and my boss told me he had some a buddy gave him just a ziplock bag probably halfway full. My problem is i dont want to fuck up my baby wit nutes... but roots organic has organic nutes... what do yall think YAY or NAY? also if i do do it how i dont want to mix it in the soil and f up the roots can i just sprinkle on top?


Active Member
Yes beacuse they go from seedling straight to flower in a month time. my snowryder in the pics from the seed bank look short but branch out.


Well-Known Member
i will be tuned in... i just harvested 2 auto white russians and i got a auto hindu kush that just showed her sex and shes all woman! all 3 of my autos showed sex in 21 days .. what day you on? pic updates? good luck bro!


Active Member
Heres is an update on my lil girl lookin good huh? I think shes beautiful :weed: tell me what yall think like hearin from you guys and what yall think or if theres any problems I dont see. bongsmilie



Active Member
ok so it seems like everyone likes to just see how the grow is doing and to stoned flyin in the sky to leave a message :eyesmoke: so here are some pics from this morning looking good i figure every other day i get i good set of new fan leaves there are a couple of pics of her workin her insides in the full plant pic you can see that her 1st set of fan leaves are curling damnit i think its cuz i was watering everyother day so im going to wait another 2 days last time i watered was thursday so im going to wait till sunday maybe monday. bongsmilie



Active Member
here are some pic updates on my baby and waited 3days for watering she was thirsty today. :eyesmoke:her insides are working look like she showing her pistons but could be new lil leaves coming in im just so excited!!! :lol:


PalmDale Kush

Active Member
here are some pic updates on my baby and waited 3days for watering she was thirsty today. :eyesmoke:her insides are working look like she showing her pistons but could be new lil leaves coming in im just so excited!!! :lol:

wow shes lookin so good dude. i just looked at ur first post when she was a seedling little over a week ago nows shes gettin to be a nice beautiful plant good work

im gunna be starting my auto grow soon


Well-Known Member
I find my females usually show sex around day 21 and males around 14-17 days. But your plant looks way better than any of my autos did at that many days into it. Either your doing something really good or lowlife really sucks bigtime, I think I may try out what your growing next. Id say keep doing exactly what your doing.

I have to ask, is the plant really that short or did you add soil to the pot? Ive kept my lights right down on the top of the soil and my plant still stretch a little bit, not sure why.


Active Member
on dude i dont kno wtf its that short i keep the lights right on top and i thought i was geting heat burn so moved them up in a attempt to stretch it out.


Active Member
yeah if i used a high wattage even a 150watt i think i would be to hot there is no vent in there with the cfls it dosent get to hot with the door closed its just a closet 2x2 ill just add a shit load of 2700k when starts to flower if it dose get hot i leave the door cracked.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
yeah if i used a high wattage even a 150watt i think i would be to hot there is no vent in there with the cfls it dosent get to hot with the door closed its just a closet 2x2 ill just add a shit load of 2700k when starts to flower if it dose get hot i leave the door cracked.

ok cool i was askin cause im starting my auto grow and im debating on using 150hps or just go with my cfls and make it a compacked grow


Active Member
yeah you kno maybe ill go wit the 150hps and leave the door open to control temps or just go wit cfls on this grow and change it up the next time.