Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Active Member
im doing some experiments in the closet i just obtained...nothing serious ,he raved about this 5-3-1 for early stage???????i have space and time,i feel horrible for not believing but he listens to rap and i heard he hit a chick i know so ,well you know, whats your pinion??tahoe?


Well-Known Member
LOL! I was wondering what the hell he was talking about but I thought it was like an inside thing.


Active Member
sorry about the indoor question, but i dont know anyone else in riu, so i placed my trust in the trusted few i know...like i said its an experiment,sooooooo...


Well-Known Member
sounds like it should be good. I try to keep things very suimple .... I shy from complexity. Seems to me that so many of these supplemental nutiruents have suspicious reutnrs .. not all of course .... the real test is witrh your set up and your plants .... they will react in some way or not and you will manage and adapt ... or not ... give it a try if it feels like the right thing to do, and only you know the answer to that ...... I'm stoned. Walking On!!~~~~~