Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Wait.... Sorry, I just looked at your journal, ya did respond:) I thought I was close with the blackberry,, not the LAMonstrogooey!!lmao:hump:


Active Member
dropped my daughter off at the airport this morning...it was a great summer.i get so depressed saying goodbye to her,not ashamed to say it but i cried like a little girl...........one love all,one mighty love...



Well-Known Member

How beautiful! You're gonna be standing at the door with a shotgun one of these days, with those mesmerizing eyes she's got! ;)


Active Member
one rule in my house at the dating age....if your a boy pulling into my driveway,you better be dropping something off,cause you sure as shit aint picking nothin' up!!! thank you so much kat u r so kind.she is my # one pride and joy.. shes going into second grade and she tested in the top3 percent nationally on the iowa exams.


Well-Known Member
+ rep for that..... dido....... my babies...... real human babies....... would quit growing for them if I had too....... nothing means more to me than my precious baby girls....... and the baby boy on the way :D just saw his penis yesterday in the ultra sound....... finally getting my son!

Precious babies...... im crying..... for real..... first time I have cried since my grandad passed...... TY....... TY........ Tears of love pour out for our children......... we MUST better this world FOR THEM!


Active Member
congrats tld.......if i knew how to rep id do that for ya....but i dont....my mother used to always say"you wont understand until u have your own"damn-it she was right again!!!!congradulations.


Kids are a joy, there is no doubt. Still feel the same about mine after >30yrs. That I can grow to help the oldest is a pleasure. But got home and had to pull three boys:sad:. Thus why the 7 plant rule sucks.


Well-Known Member
one rule in my house at the dating age....if your a boy pulling into my driveway,you better be dropping something off,cause you sure as shit aint picking nothin' up!!!
Just be careful about that.... the more you say no dating, the more you'll encourage her to sneak around behind your back. Take it from someone who was a well-behaved, but equally rebellious, teenage girl. ;)

OK, since we're bragging today.... :mrgreen: 18 years ago.... yeah, I'm old. :lol:



Well-Known Member
aloha all. such wonderfully proud we are of our keiki's, childern in Hawai'ian, beautiful flowers given to us to grow and protect. until they turn 13,LOL!! got 2 female 13 yr. olds under our roof:!::!:, cousins, and it seems like its always something. hormones are at fever pitch, either they like the same boy or their girl-friends are gossips:wall:. the 2, 16 yr.old boys completely different. best buddys, play football, wrestle, track and diving buddys. the girls can't even look at each other without a " WHAT:cuss:,WHY YOU LOOKING AT ME?" can't wait to go and have a smoke after 30 min.s with them.bongsmiliebongsmilie
then theres the 12 yr.old that havn't gotten in to that trip yet, TTL.
but its all good, love them anyway yea? just ask blessing on them and to keep them safe.

on that note, what happened to BABs? where you go girl??:sad::sad: