If pot was leagal would you still grow?


Well-Known Member
i bring up this question for mulitipal reasons. one being if it was legal how much would the price go down and would it be worth it to keep growing. and my second point.. would there be the thrill still be there if it was legal. would it still be fun to grow? and just a third thought. how much would pot cost if it were legal nation wide?


Well-Known Member
if pot was legal. my front yard would be covered in massive sativa's. that is all i have to say about that.


Well-Known Member
i bring up this question for mulitipal reasons. one being if it was legal how much would the price go down and would it be worth it to keep growing. and my second point.. would there be the thrill still be there if it was legal. would it still be fun to grow? and just a third thought. how much would pot cost if it were legal nation wide?
I would definitely still grow. I don't do it for the thrill of it being illegal, although I'm sure some people get a rush out of it. I'm sure the price would go down dramatically. How much? I can't really say but it would surely go down a lot. I wouldn't have to mow the lawn anymore because my yard would be filled with plants as well.


Active Member
i dont grow the herb for the ''thrill'' , I grow for the fact it is the single most versatile and useful medication on the planet!

Also i would still carry on growing even if hell froze over!!!! I love cannabis and i love the act of growing it!



Active Member
I like growing any type of plant. To me its a great hobby, keeps me busy, i learn things all the time, and I have found that alot of other people also enjoy the same hobby as I do. I gotta agree with the fact that if it was legal every single square inch of my lawn would no longer be kentucky blue grass, it would all be cannagrass.

Illegal Smile

If the price went down to the per pound price of other vegetable products, no I wouldn't bother growing it. But don't worry it won't. In a legalization scenario the government will simply step in and through taxation,take the dollars that are saved by it being legal. When have you ever heard of such savings being passed along to consumers?


Well-Known Member
Would it be worth it to keep growing it?????Do you smoke bro????????:roll:

HELL YES.........like the guys that have already posted it,my yard would be full of trees......and i could stand amongst them and shoot the po-po the :finger::finger: with a HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE as they drove by.........life would be grand.:hump:


Well-Known Member
yea i would still grow because i doubt the corporate buds they would sell would be top quality. my yard would be full of bud.


Active Member
i bet the corporate buds would be alot like the nasty beasters most people think are heady buds. I also think if it was legal more people would have better thoughts about LEO's.


Well-Known Member
yea i would still grow because i doubt the corporate buds they would sell would be top quality. my yard would be full of bud.
For sure. They would probably be genetically modified and pumped full of chemicals.


Well-Known Member
exactly, full of chemicals, handled improperly, and sped up to get their profit. Not something i would wanna smoke when i could just fill my yard with bud or have as many rooms grow as i want.

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Depends on price.

Sometimes I almost like growing more than I like smoking... and I like smoking a LOT

If it were legal I'd be trying to grow the biggest trees of my life. I would be trying to veg for 2 years trying to grow the biggest monsters i could think of. Move really far south and just keep artificial lights on a monster tree throughout the night time.. Then after 3 years, flower that bitch

That's my dream.


Growing the best on the African continent is still a much bigger kick than growing tomatoes. The only difference between illegal and legal growing would be the size for me. If it was legal I'd employ 30 ladies to work the 500 trees! We'll make soap, oil, butter and of course an online shop with a selsection of the best quality 100% organic strains in the world. It will be neatly packaged and couriered overnight to the deserving client. I'll pay my tax...but the continent will be a much happier one...

Dreams do come true...

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
if it was legal .i think growing it in your yard might be hard. just think if your yard was full of reefer all females doing great and a few houses down from u there was some one growing it that didnt know that much about growing and let a few male plant mature. your crop would be full of seeds and you would want to do something very bad to that person


Well-Known Member
Out of the question to stop growing once cannabis is re-legalized.

Not only will I continue to grow it, cannabis will become my newest favorite ornamental.

Every spare space in my flower beds will have cannabis instead of marigold, zinnia, or hollyhock.

I will have a row in my garden between the squash and the tomatoes.

I'll continue the indoor grows. Just because it's fun: Year-round fun no less.


I would still grow, but it would be in the main garden with the best exposure, irrigation etc, although I would have to put in some type of lockable gate. Funny how no one has ever attempted to steal my tomatoes? I assume it would be 18+ to buy legal buds and every junior high kid would be out ripping others crops.