If pot was leagal would you still grow?


Well-Known Member
I would still grow no question about it. I don't grow for the thrill that it is illegal, I grow because I love growing things especially my own medicine. I believe that when this wonderful plant is legal that all the dreams of front yard grows will not happen. The government will tax it to keep the cost similiar as today and I think that you will be regulated much as medical grows are today. Only you buy a permit to grow so many plants. Just my opinion.
Alas, you are probably correct. Which is my main concern with the MMJ movement.

By stressing only the medicinal qualities of cannabis, many people become deaf to the freedom aspect of it. If medical patients only have access; I and many others like me have no access to the blessed herb solely based on the medical argument. Thus many smokers are left out in the cold unless we are willing to commit fraud.

No good.

However, if the freedom aspect were stressed. Anyone could benefit from re-legalization.


New Member
Ofvourse i would still grow. I don't grow for yield i got money so i could buy bud if i wanted. I grow for pure fun, it is hard to describe, but i grow because its a fast growing plant, it's an interesting plant, it gives me a thrill, and i just like growing things. I have never had a sucessful grow yet, but i still love seing(and smelling) those unique plants. Also i barely even smoke


Well-Known Member
u guys talk about grow your own so it isnt taxed....well thats technically illegal......its considered illegal to grow and sell ur own tabbaco so ya u can grow but if u started to sell then the government can get you