Conservatives and Ideas


Active Member
I would like the Conservatives to try and expound some ideas of their own instead of just talking shit on the President. Or do you guys have no ideas to fix the problems you created?
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Mark to Market, any bank that does not have the CASH reserves of 8% after doing this goes directly to bankruptcy. It will be a year of extreme pain for some, but then it will be done and we can continue on with the American Dream. Otherwise wait for 10 years of depression again as the rich get even richer and the poor get even poorer, there will be no middle class, Only the haves and the have nots.


Well-Known Member
the party itself has no platform. it has degenerated into a 24-7 campaign mentality. they are now posturing for the 2010 elections. just look at the leadership. look at the loudest of the talking heads. the goal is to oppose everything sponsored by the dems and hope for failure. constructive policeis do not emerge from the right. just bitching.

bitching about falsehoods asserted by Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh and idiots like Glen Beck. Have you ever heard this guy? He acts insane. His ratings are through the roof. It is scary, but it can't last. The Republican party will either find responsible leadership or it will fade into oblivion because the party is starting to loose all but the Ann Coulter types.


Well-Known Member
I've got an idea, how about we keep the country free, strong, capitalistic, and the beacon of freedom our forefathers blessed us with and died over! If you're of the "collective" or "borg-like" mentality, and feel that individual freedoms are secondary to the "social good" you're nothing but a Communist. Oops, is that a bad word? Am I fearmongering? A fingerpointer? Sorry, but the truth hurts.


Well-Known Member
Glen Beck is one funny as shit motherfucker. He reminds me of the "leave Britney alone" guy sometimes.

Whenever I need a laugh, I watch some Glen Beck clips on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
hey dude, i'm for all that ... and more.

you'll never convince me Bush was. and you'll never convince me the Repuplicans hold those same ideals as a party line.

these socialist charges are rooted in the health care debate. some of the dems want a public option. the repuclicans prefer the insurance companies maintain control because their re-election campaigns are funded by the insurance companies.

why are the insurance companies funding the re-election campaigns? because money speeks louder than votes, that's why.

why are there so many lies being floated and sucked up by idiots? because the truth won't sway the votes.

and utimately, why are the insurance companies voting with there money? because they can't make their appeal to the votes. why they'd have to fuking pay everybody. get it?


Well-Known Member
He was asking conservatives for their view, being a conservative does not automatically make you a republican. At one time long before any of us were around it meant that, but then again liberal also meant something entirely different than it does today.


New Member
Reduce govt. spending..... roll back corporate taxes.....roll back capital gains taxes.....keep the Bush tax cuts......reduce federal employees salaries and benefits......allow ppl to buy health care across state lines..... increase free trade.


Well-Known Member
i agree. but he was also asking for contructive ideas which i interpreted as platform. otherwise it is just an idea floating in the ether. i was just trying to keep it relevant i guess.

i have no problem with conservatives. i realize they are concerned about the deficit, the debt and government spending.

i differ with conservatives on tax issues. we have almost 50 million uninsured in this country. in other words, they are not in the health care system at all, except on an unpaid, emergency basis. unless employment improves, those 50 million will remain uninsured. employment is not going to improve quickly. the whole economy must experience a shift towards new jobs. these new jobs are coming from where? it's going to be a long time. so, if we are to do this the American way, we need to be innovative and protect our culture from degrading into some kind of cast system. it's always been all of us who were proud of America.


New Member
that 50 million is a bogus number. It doesn't mean ppl CAN'T get health means they don't have it at the moment. Not everyone NEEDS health care. Not everyone needs insurance. i don't have any... I CHOOSE not to have it. That number also includes millions of illegals who do not deserve to piggyback on our tax dollars anyway. That 50 million is a false start.


Well-Known Member
Reduce govt. spending..... roll back corporate taxes.....roll back capital gains taxes.....keep the Bush tax cuts......reduce federal employees salaries and benefits......allow ppl to buy health care across state lines..... increase free trade.
ok so your solution is to increase the deficit and do what the insurance companies don't really want, but will accepts because, well, geez, they have to give something up

well done


Well-Known Member
that 50 million is a bogus number. It doesn't mean ppl CAN'T get health means they don't have it at the moment. Not everyone NEEDS health care. Not everyone needs insurance. i don't have any... I CHOOSE not to have it. That number also includes millions of illegals who do not deserve to piggyback on our tax dollars anyway. That 50 million is a false start.
so it's OK to have 50 million uninsured at any given time, as long as once in a while they pass go, eh?

well they will go directly to jail if they get sick while they are uninsured, cause they'll never get insurance again.

and 50 million without healthcare is a joke, I don't care how you parse it.


Well-Known Member
so it's OK to have 50 million uninsured at any given time, as long as once in a while they pass go, eh?

well they will go directly to jail if they get sick while they are uninsured, cause they'll never get insurance again.

and 50 million without healthcare is a joke, I don't care how you parse it.
The USA no longer entertains a debtors prison. You don't go to jail because you can't pay your hospital bill. Or any bill except your tax bill. You MUST pay the state.


Well-Known Member
that 50 million is a bogus number. It doesn't mean ppl CAN'T get health means they don't have it at the moment. Not everyone NEEDS health care. Not everyone needs insurance. i don't have any... I CHOOSE not to have it. That number also includes millions of illegals who do not deserve to piggyback on our tax dollars anyway. That 50 million is a false start.

according to the census bureau 49.7m AMERICANS are uninsured. it does not include illegals. perhaps u heard this from Glen, Gretta, or Ann.


Well-Known Member
The USA no longer entertains a debtors prison. You don't go to jail because you can't pay your hospital bill. Or any bill except your tax bill. You MUST pay the state.
no, but you can loose your assets and be thrown out on the street with the other homeless, or hounded for years with unbelievably harassing collectors.

and beyond that, the only way healtcare is going to work is pro-actively with inexpensive preventative care as primary care. somebody has to pay for all that expensive emergency care. it doesn't even matter who it is, it is a total waste.


Well-Known Member
What is with this entitlement mentality? The gvt owes me, I deserve to be handed things I can't afford at the expense of other taxpayers. This mentality seems to be more associated with the younger crowd, but why? What about working for things you want? If you can't afford it work harder. gimme gimme gimme.


Active Member
I am glad to see things haven't devolved into name calling yet. I have heard a few good conservative ideas, but I don't think cutting taxes is the answer and not allowing the Bush Tax cut to expire would be disasterous (it was the unpaid-for $1 Trillion tax cut for the rich that helped turn a $500 billion dollar surplus into a $1 + trillion dollar deficit.) I believe we need 100% public financing of elections so the Pol's can't be bought by large corporation. And I think people in the media (on both sides) should be barred from journalism if it is found they have intentionally lied to their viewers for ratings (lookout Rush and Glen Beck).


Active Member
What is with this entitlement mentality? The gvt owes me, I deserve to be handed things I can't afford at the expense of other taxpayers. This mentality seems to be more associated with the younger crowd, but why? What about working for things you want? If you can't afford it work harder. gimme gimme gimme.
It depends if you believe in the premise that Health Care is a human right, and not a privelege. I personally believe it is. And the issue should not be about supporting others, it should be about keeping the Health Insurance you have affordable, and making sure they won't drop you or just not pay the bill when you get sick. I had insurance tell me they would pay for a surgery, AFTER the surgery they decided not to pay for it after already authorizing the surgery, killing my credit. We need to stand together as Americans so these assholes can't do this to others. They make money by denying claims


Well-Known Member
Nice start but all i'm reading is jargon... first of the number is 40 million Leagal Americans do not have HC. This was done and reported by the US census bruo and is correct. I use there stats all the time and they never falter.

On another note, and i consider myself an extream conservative if not a federalist, and to continue and push for tax cuts is BAD STRATAGY!!!! yea sure corporate earning taxes should be competative with the global rate YES YES YES. However, we need not think that we will decrease spending in america to the point of paying off the national debt and buying back the t bonds from china. THIS WONT HAPPEN we need higher state taxes and lower federal taxes. THis way there can be competition w/in american states NOT JUST OVER SEAS, we should then kick up a proportional chuck to the fed to pay our creditors. THAT WAY STATES CAN KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVENMENT IN CHECK .



Well-Known Member
What is with this entitlement mentality? The gvt owes me, I deserve to be handed things I can't afford at the expense of other taxpayers. This mentality seems to be more associated with the younger crowd, but why? What about working for things you want? If you can't afford it work harder. gimme gimme gimme.
it's called common decency and is a precursor to a healthy and persevering society