Skewed Perception...


Well-Known Member
so i got this buddy who has tried weed but doesnt like it.

he just recently had a kid and his words were "id rather have my kid drink than smoke weed"

he knows its not bad for you really and he knows how shitty alcohol can be. we been friends since 4th grade. weve been thru everything together.

his main arguement is that "people who smoke weed most of the time smoke it for their whole lives. i dont want my kid 50 years old and smoking weed. most people who drink grow out of it..."

...weve had an endless debate over weed and alcohol for about 3 years now. i am so sick of regurtitation the same info to him. i just let it be.

what are your thoughts. i found his aguement extremely skewed and not to mention pretty dumb...

i wonder if hell think the same thing if his kid gets a dui or kills someone or himself behind the wheel. or dies of alcohol poisoning...


Well-Known Member
so i got this buddy who has tried weed but doesnt like it.

he just recently had a kid and his words were "id rather have my kid drink than smoke weed"

he knows its not bad for you really and he knows how shitty alcohol can be. we been friends since 4th grade. weve been thru everything together.

his main arguement is that "people who smoke weed most of the time smoke it for their whole lives. i dont want my kid 50 years old and smoking weed. most people who drink grow out of it..."

...weve had an endless debate over weed and alcohol for about 3 years now. i am so sick of regurtitation the same info to him. i just let it be.

what are your thoughts. i found his aguement extremely skewed and not to mention pretty dumb...

i wonder if hell think the same thing if his kid gets a dui or kills someone or himself behind the wheel. or dies of alcohol poisoning...
Everyone has their opinions... some are more easily enticed or easily convinced to smoke pot.

The whole rumor about smoking forever could be true... or could be wrong... depending on the person!

Give it some time... and he might surrender to the buddha ;)


Well-Known Member
im not trying to convert him at all.

my point was that hed rather have his kid drink than smoke. i guess it just bothers me how hard headed he is when it comes to facts. especially when ultimately it comes down to his kids health and shit.


Well-Known Member
My own opinion would be like this :

I would love to have a child, who i can teach what is needed, i would not want him to be smoking weed or alcahol.

I think that alcahol is a gateway drug to evrything. As it makes you think fuck it.....

Where as with weed you are just fine where you are.


My answer is........ I would rather have my kid smoking weed than drinking beer.. just looks faul... a spliff looks decent.. esp. when its huge.. evryones like wow.. :)

yup, i know they think that.. there like wow.. so creative.. where as with Beer.. they think fucking hell...

Depressd boy ... Shame.. And i have stopd drinking alc. I dont do it anymore.. been clean for about 1 week now... yeah i cheated with a panache last week :P


dude did you show him the number of teen deaths from alcohol poisoning?


Well-Known Member
ive told him all the facts time and time again!

some people you just cant get through to...

its a shame.

but when i have kids im going to be open about everything. tell them the good. and the bad. cuz when they know the TRUTH theyll more than likely chose the right way.

the only reason i began using drugs was cuz i heard from all the adults at the time how bad it was. and from all the kids how good it was. so i figured ok ill try it for myself and decide who is right. some drugs the kids were right on. some drugs the parents were.

i figure if i explain everything to my kids no holds barred hopefully itll go along with what the "good" things kids are saying and then theyll trust me in telling them the truth.

i hope that makes sense


Well-Known Member
Slap myself silly... I overlooked your whole arguement... color me turpetine!

Dude... this parent needs some Doctor Phil in his life... lmao!


Well-Known Member
hahah thats what im saying! hell theres even a group out there of mothers for pot. "pot parents" or something. i dunno. i came across it on another thread


Well-Known Member
my wifes parents raised her to be allowed to drink when she was teenager. have parties & drive drunk to bars together when she got older. but they act like smokin weed is like being a heroin junkie. i love backwards thinkin.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok well from my life what i have seen is the only reason people that drink alot stop is becuase its killing them, killed a friend relating to booze , or realized the shit aint doin them any good, and i come from a long line of losers, half outlaws , half boozers, and believe me, weed is by far the best substance to keep for life!!


Well-Known Member
well said guys. thats a very good point that i didnt even think about everglades.

ive only heard of one horror story about weed. it involved a death, a great loss of money, and jail time.

ive been apart of and heard 100s more horror stories from alcohol...


Well-Known Member
i think its ok in so many peoples eyes to the fact they ignore the deaths is because it happens so often.

kind of ironic.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
well said guys. thats a very good point that i didnt even think about everglades.

ive only heard of one horror story about weed. it involved a death, a great loss of money, and jail time.

ive been apart of and heard 100s more horror stories from alcohol...
and like you, all the other alchohol promoter, and life alchoholics , ignore the facts and just run with whats legal! can you die of weed poisoning, or get so high you cant drive? if you do then you started on the couch and cant even make it to the car lmao, ive never heard about smokin a joint, jumpin in the car, and doin 100 into the neighbor hood goodie goods, crossin the four way headed home from church!! R.I.P and rest thier souls!! i mean, pot is somthing that you grow into and alchohol is somthin you either die from or realized its the devil:fire: lol or your just like me and have a few beers here and there and the occasional whisky!

i think its ok in so many peoples eyes to the fact they ignore the deaths is because it happens so often.

kind of ironic.
exactly, except for the people it affected in a major way :'(:cuss:

(can i get a + rep!!?!!)for those who agree


Well-Known Member
and like you, all the other alchohol promoter, and life alchoholics , ignore the facts and just run with whats legal! can you die of weed poisoning, or get so high you cant drive? if you do then you started on the couch and cant even make it to the car lmao, ive never heard about smokin a joint, jumpin in the car, and doin 100 into the neighbor hood goodie goods, crossin the four way headed home from church!! R.I.P and rest thier souls!! i mean, pot is somthing that you grow into and alchohol is somthin you either die from or realized its the devil:fire: lol or your just like me and have a few beers here and there and the occasional whisky!

exactly, except for the people it affected in a major way :'(:cuss:

(can i get a + rep!!?!!)for those who agree

ill admit. i like my booze big deal? doesnt make you any better or me anyworse.

but that weed horror stoy did invovle someone driving and crashing. my girls cousin was high with two friends driving his aunts "stolen" car, he just took it. and he crashed into a lake. killing one friend. putting the other in a coma. he went to jail for 2 years. his family were millionaires and now the are just our average joes if not a little poorer. may not seem like moneywise its not bad but hwne you consider how much money they lost...


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone on this but would like to add from my experiences that in the end the kid will decide what they want to do. My parents let me drink at home at 16 with friends who's parents let them come over and do the same. I though of my parents as being "cool" then. But what they were really doing was teaching us how to be responsible with whatever we chose to do.

In another incident my 1/8 bag was hanging out my pocket while I was working on my car. Moms pulls up on the drive pull out the bags says what's this? takes it inside. When I went in for dinner I told her If you take that away I will have to save my lunch money for another week to buy another one. She pre-rolled the whole bag and gave me a joint a day after school or in the evening. After that there were no more incidents.

Creepystevie this one relates to you being honest with everything. My dad told me str8 out when I was 15 that lsd was something to have alot of respect for. He believed that everyone should try it at least once in their life. But he also told me the dangers of it and if I ever was going to try it to make sure my head was in a good place, That I was with friends who I trusted, In a place that was safe/comfortable etc. I onlt took lsd for the first time at 18 or 19. Trips were good but I did have a few bad ones and If a had not my parents to talk to about those I would be an alcoholic right now or would have killed myself.(those two can be one in the same). I'm 31 now and smoke regularly but not very often will I have a drink.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone on this but would like to add from my experiences that in the end the kid will decide what they want to do. My parents let me drink at home at 16 with friends who's parents let them come over and do the same. I though of my parents as being "cool" then. But what they were really doing was teaching us how to be responsible with whatever we chose to do.

In another incident my 1/8 bag was hanging out my pocket while I was working on my car. Moms pulls up on the drive pull out the bags says what's this? takes it inside. When I went in for dinner I told her If you take that away I will have to save my lunch money for another week to buy another one. She pre-rolled the whole bag and gave me a joint a day after school or in the evening. After that there were no more incidents.

Creepystevie this one relates to you being honest with everything. My dad told me str8 out when I was 15 that lsd was something to have alot of respect for. He believed that everyone should try it at least once in their life. But he also told me the dangers of it and if I ever was going to try it to make sure my head was in a good place, That I was with friends who I trusted, In a place that was safe/comfortable etc. I onlt took lsd for the first time at 18 or 19. Trips were good but I did have a few bad ones and If a had not my parents to talk to about those I would be an alcoholic right now or would have killed myself.(those two can be one in the same). I'm 31 now and smoke regularly but not very often will I have a drink.

yeah when i was in rehab the whole thing behind it was to be open and honest. they expected it from me as i did them. i never got any openess in return. so i ended up hidding shit from them even more. and now know from my past i think its much better to be open.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
yeah when i was in rehab the whole thing behind it was to be open and honest. they expected it from me as i did them. i never got any openess in return. so i ended up hidding shit from them even more. and now know from my past i think its much better to be open.
totally agree bro, i have lost sooo much from wanting to smoke some herb and being honest about what and where i was doin and goin! i take and took full responsibility for my actions and choices, and was completly honest with my family and dad when i lived with him and was only persecuted and left out in the cold with no help from anyone, but looking back i would do it all again the same exact way, all i had to do was lie and say i tried it and didnt like it, not tell everyone i was smoking everday since i was 13 and they finally found out when i was 16 almost 17 but you know what, now that im an adult they think im the most honest person alive so i think it worked out for the best lmao but god dam, the shit i went through to smoke my herb:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

and stevey boy, i never said i was better than anyone and also said i alson drink,?? but mabey that wasnt the point but was what i understood, all i was sayin was that i choose herb over booze and would recomend herb lol , if thats not what you ment and im just high and not understandin ,,... nevermind lmaobongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke: