Is she looking ok???? early flower??


Active Member
im using some kind of plant food that is high in nitrogen like 24-10-12, havent tested ph this grow and its my second, did my first about a year ago but had to abandon and cut only one week into flower :(


Well-Known Member
bummer about that last part, the nitrogen is great for vegetative growth but as you start preflower you'll want to find something with less nitrogen and more potassium, also wouldn't hurt to invest in a thermometer... you want to keep your grow area around 75-80 degrees, and a ph test kit you can get a cheap ph test kit for about 18$


Well-Known Member
lol, i forgot to answer your main question, you could put em into 12/12 now but it wont start flowering till its mature either way so you might as well stick to 20/4 or 24/0 for a few more weeks at least(i'd go a month or 2 myself). all switching to 12/12 now will do is give the plant less energy to mature so it can begin flowering.


Well-Known Member
my plant is four weeks old or so and i was wandering if i could start 12/12 now i know its pretty small. if i did, any estimates on wat kind of yield i would get?? first two pics were about a week ago last two from today.. pls help

wow thats fucking tiny for 4 weeks. mine is triple that.


Active Member
it grew well but wen i started flower it was a dude so i started another one about two weeks ago and its dooing well i will post pics soon